Archive for the ‘Buy Stuff’ Category
Get It Now
Wednesday, February 11th, 2015Coming Soon
Saturday, January 31st, 2015Redshirts On Sale Now
Thursday, April 26th, 2012The day has come. My first title as a game publisher is now out. If you would like a copy, cure just head on over to WeaselPants Productions.
Redshirts Demo
Monday, March 26th, 2012If you are in the DFW area there will be a Redshirts Demo at Lonestar Comics in Plano. You can show up and play a game or two, and we even have some promotional cards available that will not be included in the core set. This is your chance to play the game before anybody else, and score some extra goodies.
Be sure to stop by and say hi.
That’s Lonestar Comics
3100 Independence Parkway #318
Plano, TX
(972) 985-1593
This next Saturday, March 31st.
Two if by sea
Monday, February 13th, 2012This Friday 1.5 tons of boardgame will be leaving India, and sailing it’s way to my new warehouse facility. And by that I mean my garage.
The site for WeaselPants Productions will be live soon, and in about a month sales will begin.
School is done. Most of the work for the game is out of the way. I suppose I really should start writing more now that I finally can.
WeaselPants Productions
Sunday, December 11th, 2011“Why Skippy?” Some may have asked lately. “Why haven’t you been updating your site very much lately?”
Here’s why:
A Very Important Announcement: Please Don’t Wake Dagon!
Monday, July 18th, 2011Drop everything you are doing, and pay attention to this. Do I have your undivided attention?
Wednesday, September 1st, 2010I totally forgot to post that the Facehugger t-shirt is up.
Thursday, August 19th, 2010New Store
Friday, December 5th, 2008Because I am a capitalist whore I love all of my readers so much that I want to offer you the finest of print-on demand t-shirts for your holiday needs.
So I have put up a store selling t-shirts and other stuff printed with items from the original Skippy’s List. If you go to the store and look to the right under Product Lines, you’ll see them organized by rule number from the list.
Not everything is up there at present, but more list items will go up as people request things. So if there is something that you would like to see on a t-shirt (or one of the many items they have available for branding) feel free to send it in.
I still have a supply of Squid Pie t-shirts and mugs, in case anyone is interested in those. Please get them out of my house.
And 10% of everything sold is still going to Fun For Our Troops. So if you like supporting our soldiers, buy a t-shirt. Or I suppose you could donate directly.
But it’s more efficient to do it indirectly through my store. For some reason that is too complicated to explain here. But it involves math and stuff.