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Video Night

September 1st, 2009 by skippy

Today I had pregnancy issues*, homework, and a small but paying graphic design job. And so as I look over at the half written post I have in the corner, as it cries and wastes away due to neglect, I am find myself forced to go “Movie night.”

*Specifically my wife, had pregnancy issues. I tried to convince her that those issues did not necessarily need to concern me. That went about as well as you might expect.**

** Ow.

Creepy Movie

Another Creepy Movie

Still Another Creepy Movie

Slipknot For the Whole Family

Screw Health Care. This Is What People Should be Upset Over

A Brilliant Woman Solves All of California’s Problems

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22 Responses to “Video Night”

  1. cres Says:

    that last one made my head hurt.


  2. Albaholly Says:

    Error…brain unable to function due to hangover…

    The first few were scary…brain made them feel real.

    Last on just confused me…


  3. F1yboy Says:

    ‘Dragon would make killing enemies efficient and awesome’

    No arguments there. *Sigh* I want a giant metal dragon with silver belly, titanium claws and a prehensile tail..


    Minty reply on September 2nd, 2009 5:54 pm:

    Doesn’t everybody?


  4. Fiendy Says:

    The prehensile tail is key, F1yboy.


  5. StoneWolf Says:

    That’s it, time to saturation bomb California. That was as bad as Ms. North Carolina.

    The Christmas Tree reminded me of the tree rape scene in Evil Dead.


    Dave in NC reply on September 2nd, 2009 7:35 am:

    HEY HEY HEY!!!! Ms. SOUTH Carolina!!!! Don’t blame that trash on us!

    Captcha: Sophie ghettoes – …what?


    StoneWolf reply on September 2nd, 2009 9:32 am:

    Woops, sorry.

    Captcha: arguably 33: Ms. S. Carolina’s real age?


    Phantom reply on September 2nd, 2009 12:04 pm:

    Yeah! Really! We’ve got some good things going on in NC!!


    Minty reply on September 2nd, 2009 5:55 pm:

    Don’t bother wasting the money. The Big One will strike soon enough.

    Does explain why CA has so many problems in the first place, though, if that’s the pool they elect from.


  6. Kat Says:

    skippy, just for clarification purposes, any pregnancy issue involves you. Why, you ask? Because it is your fault! Once you understand this everything will be better.


  7. Matt Says:


    A small point on pregnancy issues. They will ALWAYS affect you, for years, and years and years…

    Also, if she is doing dishes and you make what seems like a witty and humorous comment, her hormones might not think so. If she happens to turn to snarl a reply, and is holding a large knife, run, just run!


  8. Anonymous and STILL Employed Says:

    Million dollar speakers for the Dragon’s awesome roar: what about “Operation Ground and Pound” by Dragonforce? Seems like a no brainer.
    Pesticide that’s good for people: Healthy Poison? [Smacks head agains desk]

    Captcha: VJ Consign – A consingment of what? Was it something for the dragon?


  9. Steve Says:

    That’s it. Time to go back to 49 states.

    Or we require a intelligence based permit to breed so she doesn’t reproduce.


    Minty reply on September 2nd, 2009 5:56 pm:

    You gotta love it: “The food is free! All we have to do is pay the farmers.”


  10. Stickfodder Says:

    In regards to that last one. Skippy do you hate us? Why would you make us watch that? And for the record if you post it here you are making us watch it. Hell you’re practically forcing us to watch it.


  11. Sean Says:

    I’m calling it now: the girl in that last one is going to be in the second season of Tosh.0 for a web redemption. There is no way that much stupid in one place can go unnoticed by that show.

    Also: I would pay real money to see Treevenge and would proudly give my tax money to see a Dragon-fucking-Tank built. Beats the shit outta Lieberman’s laser-jet.


  12. dgatos42 Says:

    As a California resident I can honestly say we have wayyyy to many of the last clip’s type of people here…please help me, I can’t escape them…


  13. tenhigh Says:


    I fully agree that Californians should develop a perfect pesticide. Cyanide, for example is all natural, and has a pleasing “bitter almond” scent.

    The East could even supply this wonder due to our slavery and made in china beliefs.

    I never want to go to CA.


  14. AFP Says:

    CA is fine depending on which parts of it you hang out in. By far the loopiest “solve all the world’s problems” person I’ve ever run into was in College Station, Texas, so going away from CA isn’t necessarily even going to help you avoid these folks.

    But yeah, I spent something like an hour at a pizza place, where I was supposed to be hanging out with my friends before moving to Arizona, and ended up getting cornered by a friend’s crazy mom who proceeded to spend the whole time telling me how joining the military was a mistake, and how I should go to culinary school to help research alternate fuel sources or something like that. I was so freaking pissed by that encounter.


  15. Gunrunner Says:

    Having lived in CA before retiring from AF and having to get a real job…I can say there is some beautiful country in CA…too bad the whole place is infested with idiots, Pelosi’s, illegals, etc.


  16. spc ward Says:

    ive just lost some respect for slipknot now


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