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Heterosexual Icecream

September 23rd, 2009 by skippy

I’d write something else, but anything else would just be a let down after that title.

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5 Responses to “Heterosexual Icecream”

  1. StoneWolf Says:

    So if we have gay foods and straight foods, what the hell does that say about America’s obsession with cookouts and hot-dogs?


    Adam reply on September 24th, 2009 9:11 am:

    Maybe there’s a group that does weiner roasts during cock fights.

    Captcha: playact tennent — how did they find out I only pretend to live here?


    Podmunki reply on September 25th, 2009 1:21 pm:

    Glenn Beck would say that the hot dogs were a Liberal conspiracy to turn Conservatives into gays and therefore Liberals (because “everyone knows that only Liberals can be GAY”). And then he sheds a tear for the “loss” of so many “good” Americans.


  2. papajb Says:

    So that means “soft serve” ice cream is a bad thing…dang.


  3. Minty Says:

    So what does it say about me that I like soft serve ice cream and a firm, long hot dog?


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