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Still More Fun With Online School

December 8th, 2011 by skippy


Dear Instructor, pills

I am not being graded for this assignment.  Instead of a well though out response to your question about my ideas on future employment in the graphic design field I am going to eat a lime cream filled cookie.  You cannot see me with the cookie, but rest assured, I am eating the hell out of it.

Mmmmm Cookie.

Hell Week

December 8th, 2011 by skippy

Wednesday November 16th:

We begin packing for Thanksgiving travel.  We weren’t looking forward to dealing with eight hours of planes and layovers, but hey the family wanted to see the twins.  The day goes uneventfully, and I spend the evening doing a double load of homework so I can be done ahead of time.

Thursday November 17th:

I wake up to discover Thing 1 has puked in her crib.  She doesn’t appear sick, so maybe it was something she ate, or she had reflux.  Packing continues.  Cheap tablet is purchased to load with Wiggles and Elmo videos to keep the critters quiet on the plane.  I keep an eye on my daughter, but she seems fine all day.

Friday November 18th:

Thing 1 has been quite sick, and has evidently spent the night making “vomit-angels”.  My wife takes her to a health clinic, where she is diagnosed with Strep Throat.  My family is warned, but we are told that travel may be feasible if antibiotics are applied soon enough.

Saturday November 19th:

The wife goes shopping for various travel items.  While she is out Thing 2 begins heaving.  Since we don’t want Thing 1 to have to go through another car trip if we can help it, we decide to let her sleep in.  The wife comes home and takes to boy to the health clinic.

Kart Driver

October 31st, 2011 by skippy


Shark Pool

October 27th, 2011 by skippy

Shark Pool!


Journalism at its finest

October 27th, 2011 by Ihmhi

A national guard soldier from my city was killed in Afghanistan by an IED. I didn’t know the guy and I don’t really know most of my neighbors all that well, but his parents live a few houses down the block from me on the corner.

The police have been camped at the intersection for the past several days because the news media will not leave them alone. Sure, there was the standard feeding frenzy of reporters the day that they found out, but they seem to have failed to grasp the family’s message of “we’re in mourning and we don’t want to talk, please leave us alone”.

I understand the importance of the press, but there’s a point where trying to get the latest scoop can go too far. Intruding on the privacy of a grieving family to get a scoop falls under that purview in my book.

Current Events

October 26th, 2011 by skippy

Once again I examine the issues happening today.



October 26th, 2011 by skippy

That happened I guess.


Sniper, Stop Sniping!

October 24th, 2011 by skippy

I like this version much more.

My Personal Politics

October 20th, 2011 by skippy

This may shock some readers I debate with, but I have more in common with them than they may realize.

I consider myself a moderate. By that I mean that I find that whenever debate about politics happens, I frequently find my views tend toward the middle of the road. And while I do favor many policies that appear to be of a progressive viewpoint, I usually do not favor them for the same reason that folks of a liberal bent do.



October 20th, 2011 by skippy

My impression of the current news cycle.

1) Some Progressives: “We’re gonna hold public demonstrations about some grievances we have.”
Some Conservatives: “Hey! That’s only cool when we do it!”

2) Some Conservatives: “We’re gonna pick out the craziest members of that crowd and attempt to pretend they represent the views and attitudes of the whole group.”
Some Progressives: “Hey! That’s only cool when we do it!”