Archive for the ‘Worthy Cause’ Category
Get It Now
Wednesday, February 11th, 2015Cooking With The Troops
Monday, December 13th, 2010So recently it was brought to my attention that sometimes people in the military put up with food that is not particularly good.
And by recently I mean “years ago, about five minutes after I in-processed” and by occasionally I mean “without end”.
And everyone knows about hospital food. I think that “not very yummy” would be an excellent starting point for how to describe things.
Now I want everyone to take a minute to think about what happens when you combine these two horribly flavors.
I’m remember my first taste of hospital food in the military. I mainly remembered thinking I was pretty sure that this is what racism must taste like.
Well a whole bunch of good people over at Cooking With The Troops decided to do something about it. They provide better food for soldiers recovering in hospitals.
From their website:
” Our mission is to provide aid, comfort, and support to U.S. and Allied troops and families by providing culinary change of pace events, assisting with career transition into the food and beverage industry for those wanting it, gathering and sharing knowledge with and for troops on the front lines and supporting same, and by providing care and support on the homefront. ”
So I think that this is a pretty decent cause, and if this is the sort of thing that appeals to you, go ahead and check them out.