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Gone Bad

July 13th, 2010 by skippy

I’d like to see this turned into a full movie.

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3 Responses to “Gone Bad”

  1. Fubarius Says:

    Ego facultate mihi ab Apostolic Sede tributa, indulgentiam plenariam et remissionem omnium peccatorum tibi concedo et benedico te. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spirtus Sancti…Bitches


  2. Andrew Says:

    Why do they all have to start with what appears to be a haunted church? But, other than that, fricking awesome!


  3. Damoncord Says:

    Ok started watching this and the Intro kept reminding me of Army of Darkness or Evil Dead, then as it continued it seemed more interesting.

    The music in the credits seemed a bit creepy, yet familiar.

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