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The Shining Is A Movie About How Kubrick Faked The Moon Landing

October 16th, 2009 by skippy

You know kids, back in my day we didn’t have the internet, bringing us hot and cold running crazy 24-7.

If we wanted to hear a crazy person rant insanely we had to go out and find them. And frankly the deranged are a lot less entertaining when they are physically close enough to try and stick a sharpened screwdriver into your neck.

Here be the crazy.

Special Bonus crazy:

In his bio he claims that he is “Considered to be a ‘modern-day Indiana Jones’ for his ongoing worldwide quests to find clues to mankind’s spiritual destiny via ancient societies…”

Perhaps if you assume that the word “considered” means “He would really like it if people said he was, but no one actually has ever considered”.

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7 Responses to “The Shining Is A Movie About How Kubrick Faked The Moon Landing”

  1. LoC Says:

    dear Jay Weidner,
    Faith is no match for technical knowledge and experience. Call hoax and list motivations all you want, but every technical detail pans out in NASA’s favor.

    at the risk of punching in a little HTML,
    in a word… Busted.


  2. Speed Says:

    I think he saw the movie Capricorn One, and figured it was a documentary.


  3. StoneWolf Says:

    I have seen many conspiracy theories. There are all completley convicning if you listen to them with an open mind. Additionally all their evidence always supports their point. Because they never address any evidence that disproves it. Be a skeptic and a cynic. It takes a little of the wonder out of life but you’ll also be swindled less.


  4. Ian M Says:

    There might be a conspiracy theory here or there that I am prepared to consider. Most, I have no regard for – and the whole ‘Faked Moon Landing’ thing is probably at the very bottom. Honestly, that one annoys the #### out of me.

    Symbology in a Kubrick movie? Given all the “stuff” that Mr Kubrick put into his works, one could probably find “hidden proof” of just about anything with a little effort.

    [Actually, I think Stanley Kubrick was vastly overrated as a movie-maker. But that is just my personal opinion.]

    This guy really needs to get a life.


  5. TheShadowCat Says:

    Dear goddess.

    Damn the government cut backs that let this loony out of the bin.

    I’ve got an idea. To prove to all the people who think that the moon landings are fake, let’s send them all to the moon.

    One way.


  6. Leon Says:

    Heck, it appears up to 2001 there was a functioning “Flat Earth” society.


  7. Willy Says:

    Faith is SO a match for technical knowledge and experience! With enough faith, you can stubbornly hold on to any belief you want no matter how much evidence points against it!

    Also, a good imagination helps, to find hidden symbology of everything to both prove why your right and why everyone else is wrong and why the government is trying to hide it.


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