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Japanese TV is Awesome

October 14th, 2009 by skippy

Granted, unhealthy chances are you already knew that.

Terrifying Sniper Prank on Japanese TV – Watch more Funny Videos

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7 Responses to “Japanese TV is Awesome”

  1. Willy Says:

    Skippy, I’ve seen some of your game show ideas here. You should move to Japan and produce them.

    Catpcha: feather directors. Apparently this is directed by feathers?


  2. gEiStToG Says:

    Hmmm..this reminds me of the japanease prank show where people go into porta johns shut the door, and while their doing their thing the john has a lift in it that raises it into the air for everyone to see them :P


  3. StoneWolf Says:

    Holy shit, I can’t believe they get away with that. I wish I could understand Japanese now so I could know what that guy was saying. At least he had the brains to stay low.


  4. Catherine Says:

    There’s one Japanese game show that pretty much consists of whacking the contestants in the balls. As a female, I find men getting hit in the testicles an endless source of humor. I laugh myself most of the way out of my chair every time I see this.


    Courtney reply on October 17th, 2009 9:28 am:

    You seen Idoiocracy? You should.


  5. Leon Says:

    Japan is insane. Any country where they have to come up with a word specifically for “working oneself to death” is clinically whackjob nuts. Add on tentacle rape, vending machines selling schoolgirl panties, young adults shutting themselves into their bedrooms for years, need I say more?


  6. Ian M Says:

    … To say nothing of treating suicide as an artform, and torture as entertainment.


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