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Archive for the ‘Ihmhi’ Category

Tiny Zombie Bugs

Monday, May 18th, 2009

Well, with the recent (possibly justified) zombie panic, I was surprised to find this article in my Slashdot RSS feed:

Texas Makes Zombie Fire Ants.

An excerpt from the original article:

It sounds like something out of science fiction: zombie fire ants. But it’s all too real.

Fire ants wander aimlessly away from the mound.

Eventually their heads fall off, and they die.

The strange part is that researchers at the University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M’s AgriLife Extension Service say making “zombies” out of fire ants is a good thing.


The 50 Things Ihmhi Can’t Do In Church

Sunday, April 12th, 2009

1. Do not blaspheme the Lord in front of the Children.

2. Do not blaspheme the Lord in front of the Church Staff.

3. Do not blaspheme the Lord in front of anyone, period.

4. Not allowed to send Jehovah’s Witnesses to the Church for “inter-religious relations and cooperation”.

5. Please don’t wear that shirt with the devil chick on it.

6. Not allowed to wear that other shirt with the devil chick on it.


A New One

Monday, March 9th, 2009

My grandfather died when I was in Kindergarten. I don’t remember much about him – all I really knew was that he was active in his church and held down three jobs at the young age of 76 when he died.

When I was much older, I asked my mom a few questions about my grandfather. I had known that he was a Newark Police Officer for around 30 years and that he worked in the police credit union. I was surprised to hear that he served in the Coast Guard during World War II and drove landing boats during D-Day.

As far as I knew, only one other person in my extended family had served (as a chopper gunner in ‘nam) – I genuinely had no idea that my grandpa fought in WW2. My mom produced pictures showing him in uniform and pointed to the frame full of medals on the wall. (I still can’t believe that I never figured that out.) My dad came in about halfway through the conversation and wanted to relate a story to me about my grandpa’s time as a police officer.
