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Memorial Day

May 25th, 2009 by skippy

No post today. I was busy being memorially.

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14 Responses to “Memorial Day”

  1. McNutcase Says:

    I entirely support this.

    However, I do hope that you correctly observed today being Towel Day as well as Memorial Day.


    Stickfodder reply on May 25th, 2009 9:25 pm:

    WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU 24 HOURS AGO?! God I never remember towel day.


    Catbunny reply on May 25th, 2009 11:06 pm:


    Captcha: roiling of … something to clean up with that towel?


  2. SPC Hyle Says:

    I do not like Memorial Day, because we, as a nation, get entirely the wrong message out of it. It glorifies that which is inglorious, and in doing so trivializes that which it is supposed to represent. I appreciate the sentiments of some of the people, but I’d rather that the patriotism and jingoism that flowers from it didn’t. There is nothing glorious about a man being maimed or killed, no matter the reason. We don’t seem to get that as a country.


    Minty reply on May 26th, 2009 9:37 am:

    I tend to regard national holidays as excuses to indulge in some of the uglier aspects of American culture (gross commercialism, for example). I know that’s not why they were started, but that’s what they’ve become, and it’s pretty pathetic.

    Captcha: “U.S pattern” Yep, the US has had a pattern of allowing its holidays to lose all their “holiness.”


  3. soulex? Says:

    it’s not much different than many other nations that celebrate the dead on specific days. look at christmas and easter, glorifying someone who was nailed to a cross and left to slowly suffocate.

    Humans glorify the dead and their memories. i see your logic, but it’s useless to be angry against it, it’s something we as a species have been doing for thousands of years.


  4. Strange Says:

    What is towel day? This is the first time that I have heard of it.


  5. Swissjak Says:

    It’s a tribute to Douglas Adams, the author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

    Check wikipedia for towel day.


  6. Shadowydreamer Says:

    I think there’s a difference between remembering the men and women who serve and remembering the politics behind it. Am I going to thank them for coming home maimed? No, I’m going to thank them for going away from friends, family and everything they know to defend the ideal of freedom and justice for all.

    But then, as a Canuck, I may not understand the protest you’re making. We only have Rememberance Day on the 11th of November, our May holiday is Victoria Day.


  7. Speed Says:

    Yep, I protested by going to the beach. I prefer sandy beach to sandbox any day.

    My “war hero” ex-brother-in-law sent out his usual message about remembering the veterans. He drove a fork lift in Saudi, arriving 6 months after the shooting stopped, and got a dishonorable from the reserve for awarding himself a CBI, Bronze Star and SGT stripes.

    My son and I DID celebrate towel day [he has good taste in his reading]. We each brought an extra towel to the beach, but left them ashore when we took to the waves. The wife was glad that it was just towels, heh.


  8. Pte Walker Says:

    As a Canadian I obviously did not celebrate memorial day, But on Rememberance Day I always attend a service and respect 11 o’clock as a sacred moment of silence; unfortunatly I don’t speak for my entire nation. My old high school doesn’t even hold a service anymore opting intead for a games day…I gave the principal a tounge lashing that he’ll never forget my grade 12 year ;)

    Captcha: Moonglower planet- I don’t know what that is, but it sounds AWESOME


    CCO reply on May 26th, 2009 6:21 pm:

    How about May 8 and September 2?


    Anna reply on May 27th, 2009 9:05 am:

    Good Job! It’s a pity that kids are allowed to pass over days like Rememberance Day just because they aren’t “fun” holidays. No really, they aren’t supposed to be fun, they’re about honnouring people who fought and died for you. Glad that you stood up to him.


  9. Pte Walker Says:

    VE and VJ days? Not national holidays so I don’t treat them the same, but I’m definatly aware of the, when they happen


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