Sex Robot. Sex Robot.

Archive for September, 2010
Sex Robot.
Monday, September 13th, 2010The Children Are Our Future Dystopian Enforcer-Thugs
Monday, September 13th, 2010So tonight the family and I were watching a show, which heavily featured monsters in SS-like uniforms marching angrily about.
And every time the sound of boots stomping on cobblestones started up, by daughter would get really excited.
She would squeal and clap her hands, and giggle and bounce up and down, for the entire time the marching sound would go on.
I’m not sure if I should find this adorable, or horrifying.
Animated Zombie Video
Friday, September 10th, 2010Song is “eh” but video is good.
This Isn’t Funny
Wednesday, September 8th, 2010A while ago I made a decision to try and avoid any sort of political topic where I wind up picking a side on an issue. It nearly always leads to some sort of debate in the comments section, which can frequently flare up into arguments, name calling, and other unpleasantness. And frankly I love to argue, so it’s not like I can just leave well enough alone. A frequent conversation in my house goes like this.
But people usually come here to see something funny, not argue about my political beliefs, so I made a decision to try to avoid those topics.
But today is not going to be one of those days. If that bothers you, feel free to skip this post and come back later. Seriously, this isn’t the lead-in for a really warped joke later. I’m going to talk about something that really bothers me. And frankly, I suspect some people who read this site are going to get upset. I’m fine with that; hopefully they’ll stick around for the quality nerd humor, funny military stories, and disturbing artwork.
It’s really long too.
For real, it’s like my brain just puked all over my keyboard in here. (more…)
Something I’ve Been Meaning To Explain For A While Now
Wednesday, September 8th, 2010Caravan Palace
Wednesday, September 8th, 2010Awesome new kind of music. Electronic-swing. It’s actually better than I made it sound just there.
When You Don’t Protect Your Chicken
Tuesday, September 7th, 2010Note: Please do not interpret this as an endorsement of Norton Anti-virus. This is an endorsement of an awesome chicken based video.
Protect Your Chicken
Tuesday, September 7th, 2010Wrong But Cute
Friday, September 3rd, 2010I am officially spending more time on these doodles than on my homework. Granted I’m still maintaining an A average, but still.
NSFW Wednesday Part 2
Wednesday, September 1st, 2010It has occurred to me, perhaps years later than it should have, that I probably need a category for “NSFW”.