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Oh Hell Yes

July 7th, 2010 by skippy

This looks like it will be the single most bad-ass thing that has come out of France since the Allied forces crossed the Siegfried Line on their way to teach Hitler a lesson about sharing.

I actually find myself in a rare ethical dilemma. On the one hand as a person who has spent quite a bit of time making a living off of being creative, I find the idea of pirating someone’s work to be extremely distasteful. On the other hand this movie is not yet available for viewing in the states, and I really want to watch it now.

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14 Responses to “Oh Hell Yes”

  1. Shadowydreamer Says:

    I’m a complete sap. I download movies off torrent and then buy an online ticket and never use the ticket. I can’t sit through a movie in the theatre due to disability but I don’t wanna screw the creators either.

    My recommendation is pirate the movie and then purchase it when it’s available.


    ArchaicDome reply on July 7th, 2010 7:59 am:

    I used to do the same thing. I worked 12-hour overnight shifts that were very boring, so I’d stream movies all night. Then on my way in the next day I’d stop at the movie theater and buy a ticket for the ones I’d watched.


    LoC reply on July 7th, 2010 4:46 pm:

    I do the same thing… that is, I buy the DVD when it’s available, not a movie ticket.

    Captcha: maass mother
    Whatchyoo say ’bout mah mama?!


  2. Tony Says:

    OMG did the French finally do something right?


    Twan reply on July 7th, 2010 12:00 pm:

    Dude, making good movies–to the French–is like capitalizing on a successful franchise, shitting on it, and still turning a profit–is to Americans.


    Minty reply on July 7th, 2010 3:52 pm:

    Eh, I’ve been forced to watch some really shitty French movies. Like the one about a lesbian who confines herself to a country house with a man with the idea of exploring her homosexuality through having heterosexual sex. I blocked out most of it, but I’m pretty sure there was about ten minutes in there where she made the guy play with a used tampon so he could “understand women.”


    Twan reply on July 7th, 2010 4:05 pm:

    Well it’s not like every American movie is a desecrated corpse of what was once a beloved childhood memory.

    AFP reply on July 7th, 2010 9:29 pm:

    @Twan: True, sometimes you end up something like Speed Racer, which was pure distilled awesome in a highly pressurized can. Love that movie.

    stine reply on July 8th, 2010 10:26 pm:

    Ok, I’ll bite, what is the name of that movie?

    captcha: Nooning livestock (what the hell is ‘nooning’?

    Minty reply on July 9th, 2010 12:22 pm:


    I honestly can’t remember, which is a good thing for you. Really. Just stay away from it. Fewer nightmares, I promise you.

  3. Tessa Says:

    Just kinda looks like more of the same to me. I mean, there’s zombies, in a dark place, and there’s people fighting the zombies…

    I’m not saying it won’t be good, just that it doesn’t seem any different from any other zombie movie.


  4. ThandraK Says:

    Tell me about it. I want to see this movie so bad, myself.


    Black Lightning. Russian movie. (It’s the one about the flying car.)

    If you havn’t seen this yet, you NEED TO SEE THIS.


  5. Ihmhi Says:

    Ye Gods, it’s like the beautiful child of Optimus Prime and Superman.


  6. oneluckyduck Says:

    Hmmm…Do you think I can convince my French teacher to show this in class?

    Captcha: bureper 41/2%
    It doesn’t help I was reading Alice’s adventures in wonderland…*sigh*


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