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National Review Online Discusses Zombie Survival

October 15th, 2009 by skippy

No really.

Here’s the link.

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8 Responses to “National Review Online Discusses Zombie Survival”

  1. ShuttleZ Says:

    That. is. AWESOME! XD

    It’s good to know that all those years playing RPGs didn’t go to waste.

    Captcha: ruffles first – First post with ruffles? Where?


  2. spc ward Says:

    yeah but the thing about being embedded with seals in a lot of zombie movies the bad ass sf’s get wiped out


    StoneWolf reply on October 16th, 2009 4:31 am:

    Its a movie. Any 1st World and many 2nd world Special Operations personnel caught off guard and scared shitless will still be more effective combatants than you or me.


  3. StoneWolf Says:

    I like the thing about gamers being the best prepared to resist the zombie apocalypse. That only works if they also camp and hit the range. Most gamers I know can’t even run to the twinkie stand.


  4. LoC Says:

    It’s a shame that geeks have fallen so far. In my day we had to work with tools, use our hands… BUILD STUFF.
    *mutters about kids who can’t tell a small transformer from a can of mountain dew*

    On another subject… if you’ve ever seen the aftermath of a few hundred rounds on target from a M249 SAW, you’ll agree with the last bit of the article. Max Brooks seems unaware of just how much damage a bullet can do to human tissue.


    StoneWolf reply on October 17th, 2009 2:41 pm:

    Depends on the geeks. I went to a tech college. Computer Majors and many electronics majors were pretty useless. Most mechanical, electromechanical, and some electronic guys get bored and build shit. And while I haven’t seen the effects of an M249 on human tissue I have seen 5.56 NATO, 7.62 NATO and .45 ACP on watermellon, tree stumps and frozen meat, all from rounds fired by me between 25 and 100 yards. Besides which, I know how to build bombs, light artillery, fortifications, demo walls, can hump 50lbs all day for at least three days, etc. Like I said, just find the right geeks.


  5. Twan Says:

    Max Brooks is over-rated, his books have so many fallacies. Many of his tips are good, but he takes and unfair look at M16s, forgets about ATVs, has a fetish for blades when guns kill more effeciently and allow you to keep your distance from the grabbing, fesh-eating hordes. Also, he only looks at the Romero zombies; not one mentioning of how to save yourself from the entirely pluasible infected.

    By-the-way, where the ballz does he expect someone to get a shaolin spade?


  6. Dianna Says:

    Not to quibble, but Brooks does some nice hand-waving to explain why current tactics don’t work.

    He just wanted to get to the “They’re not in a hurry, why are you?” bit.


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