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Awesome Comic

October 8th, 2009 by skippy

I like this guys stuff.


Click on the image to see his site.

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5 Responses to “Awesome Comic”

  1. lukazaz Says:

    one word…


    had to captch..
    kneed $621,410

    why so much doght?


  2. stine Says:

    cool. The best one I have seen was stenciled onto one side (the one facing the main road) of a telephone pedestal, it read: Noam Chomsky. On the other three sides were your typical M13 grafitti.


  3. Anonymous and STILL Employed Says:

    Just had about three years worth of decent and quite professional looking graffiti painted over on a bridge two towns over. It’s kinda depressing that the actual artistic stuff gets destroyed but nobody does anything about the badly spelled profanities and anatomically incorrect pictures. (dammit, it’s like these guys have never even seen a woman!)

    Captcha : Me puppet – the giant space ants aren’t good at grammar either


  4. Bruise Says:

    Great Comics!
    CAPTCHA too good to pass up this time…
    Elephantiasis Scalper
    Think about that one for a bit! LOL


  5. William Says:

    Well damn, now I’m hooked.


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