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Archive for May 11th, 2009

Whole Glory?

Monday, May 11th, 2009

This happened to me recently in Iraq. And while the joke is on me, it’s funny enough that I care less about it’s me people are laughing at, as opposed to the situation at hand.

The port a potties here on JBB have a “gay code” in them. Anyone stationed over here knows what I’m talking about. But you’ll see strange email addresses written on the port a potty walls with “M4M”
underneath it. With an email like “hardandlong21@yahoo.com” with M4M underneath it, I pieced 2 and 2 together and deciphered M4M meant Man 4 Man. I was on akochat working the nightshift. I was bored, and the only chat room that is authorized is AKO. So I decided to see if anyone was in one of the Iraq chat rooms. I chose one (which I now know, was a bad idea) called “Rainbow Iraq” I thought it would be full of smart-assed people, because if I was to make a room, it’d be something cute and fuzzy, like “Care Bear Stare.” I lurk here for a little bit before being “introduced” to someone named Alexis.
