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Archive for October 11th, 2009

New Air Force List

Sunday, October 11th, 2009

(Submitted by AFP)

1) If my desk happens to be located in a hallway, I am not allowed to charge a 25 cent toll for each person who walks past my desk.

1b) Especially if it is one of the LT’s running back and forth working on a project for the BCE.

1c) Not even “To support the squadron Booster Club”

2) Not allowed to forget my lightweight blue jacket on Mondays. This makes it rain sideways.

3) Not allowed to have a stripper pole and stage built in the breakroom.

3a) Not even if one of the sergeants in the Structures shop already has the whole thing drawn out and planned in detail.

3b) Not even if it can be built entirely from scrap materials or things purchased cheaply from Lowe’s Hardware.

3c) Not even if all tips go to the Squadron Booster club.
