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Archive for the ‘News’ Category


Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

Michael Williamson asked me to courtesan this info on my site. For the record, that means the same thing as whoring it on my site, except it’s classier. Just one step below registered companioning it on my site.


Current Events

Friday, April 8th, 2011

The children have learned to climb. Son can now get up onto the breakfast bar under his own power. The spice rack is on the breakfast bar. I went to the bathroom and he proceeded to season the couch. I have had no time to write, so here are some brief thoughts on current events.


Thoughts On Current Events

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

Not having anything more productive to write about, I figured I would just describe how I felt about different current events.

First Day

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

Several things have changed here at Casa De Skippy in the past week or so. The first thing that changed is that my %#@*$& art history class finally ended. For those keeping score at home, I’m taking online classes in Graphic Design, and for some reason that included spending a little over a month pretending anyone in the history of the earth has actually given a damn about art history. Basically I got to spend many many hours just filling page after page of utter bullshit. And so I had been less inclined to spend what little free time I had left the same way. And so the site suffered.


Defensive Driving

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011

I am taking an online defensive driving course. I signed up for a comedy defensive driving course. Because, as the advertisement said, why not have a good laugh while spending six hours of my life being educated about proper driving habits.

Well it turns out that the people who write the advertisements for comedy defensive driving schools are FILTHY FUCKING LIARS!

It’s as if someone decided that reading the jokes on the side of a happy meal package made him a stand up comic. And then, unfortunately, nobody beat him to death.

Military Leadership in Germany

Friday, January 7th, 2011

A guy I know is involved with a charity designed to help folks in the military. Right now he needs to get in contact with Officers or Senior NCO’s who are stationed in Germany. If any of my readers happen to know anyone who fits the bill please contact me.

The US Military Feels Pretty and Witty

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

It should come as no surprise to my regular readers how I feel about DADT being repealed.

For those that have not seen any of my previous opinions on this sort of subject I will explain it briefly.


Jumping the Shark?

Monday, December 20th, 2010

I was originally going to write something about the DADT repeal, but this news story caught my attention and I felt it warranted immediate comment.

You see, I have some stories that started out with, “So I was drinking when…” , and end with various degrees of hilarity. Some make me look like a drunken clown, and others like an epic hero.

But I have absolutely nothing on a Serbian man named Dragan Stevic.



Thursday, December 16th, 2010

Thanks to everyone who helped me out with this.


Job Offer

Friday, December 3rd, 2010

Today I received this very legitimate job offer, search from what is clearly someone who is a serious player in the video game industry. At the very least they are going to be well known in the game industry soon.

“I came across your resume. I have clients that are very into gaming, denture and have loads of money. They are looking to invest in a company that produces online games. What they would like me to do is round up a small team of people who can put together one for them. This would basicly be like starting up any company. You would not make anything till the game has been made and the investors have decided its worthy of investment. But once that happens then you would become a partner with that company being that you are one of the founding members. A lot like most companies. So I am looking for people with your kind of skills that can demonstrate they can make this happen. We will have weekly meetings to go over our goals and log and discuss our progress. This will be a colabrative effort. Please email me back and let me know if you are interested.

John Lankford”

To further demonstrate the sheer gravitas of this offer, it came from a Yahoo email address, which as we all know is a sign of a businessman who is heavily involved in the software industry.