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April 29th, 2011 by skippy

It’s official. I am going to be a published board and card game designer in the near future. More details to follow, but for now feast your eyes upon:

Please Don't Wake Dagon

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7 Responses to “Behold!”

  1. Courtney Says:

    I want to buy this right now. Here is my money. Where is the game?


  2. David Says:

    Nice, I loved the comic. I didn’t know you had any association with it.


    Squab reply on April 30th, 2011 1:17 am:

    Wait, comic? Do tell. And it looks like something I’d be interested in o_O

    holyshit where’s the captcha


    steelcobra reply on May 1st, 2011 11:40 pm:



  3. Prodigal Says:

    I’m going to need some copies to take to GenCon Indy with me, and will have to see if I can get an event or three for this added to the game schedule…


  4. Ian M Says:

    Congrats and good luck, skippy.


  5. Katie Says:

    Wait! Will this be out in time for someone to run it at A-Kon? (I have no idea how one gets that opportunity, but I’m also not going to bother finding out if it’s not going to be out soon enough.)


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