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I Take It Back

September 17th, 2010 by skippy

This is the best advertisement ever.

I love this trailer. I love this book. I want to let this book come to my house and have many illegitimate children with it.

BTW if you want to actually own a copy of this book, click this link here:

If enough of you do that, then Amazon will give me a gift card and then I can buy a copy. Which is necessary since my since my wife is all “We can’t keep spending all our money on books and games, because we need to feed and clothe our children.”
And I’m all like “Dammit woman, you knew that zombie literature came first before you got pregnant. What if we get attacked by zombies at a Star Trek convention? Do you want our children to be devoured? They will never stop pooping if you keep feeding them. And besides you fed them twice today already. I haven’t bought a zombie book in over a month.”
And then she’s all like “Well too bad because a am an unreasonable and horribly mean woman whose only goal is to ruin everything that you think is fun! Also I ate all of the brownies.”
And then I was all like “But those brownies were for both of, and I didn’t hardly get any!”
And the she was all like “Suck it bitch!” And then she beat me. With a metal pipe.
(Note from Skippy’s wife: “This is not quite how I remember this conversation.”)

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9 Responses to “I Take It Back”

  1. Pirate Froglet Says:

    I don’t see the link.
    Love the trailer though. Think I’ll ask my library to order it, I know another few patrons who just might read it.


  2. SKD Says:

    Remember to dispose of your red shirt.


  3. Aaron Says:

    Like you didn’t totally have it coming…quit your whining and get back to mopping the floors!


  4. Janice Says:

    I love that the hotel is named Botany Bay.


  5. Jeff Says:

    I definitely pay too much attention to this kind of stuff, but in 1:39, the eye-covering is on the wrong eye.


  6. Captain McCheese Says:

    You most definatly know you’re a nerd when this book is the first thing that comes up when you put ‘night of’ into amazon (I’m in Northern Ireland that link doesn’t work here)


  7. Ziggy Says:

    I also love that the cars license plate is NCC 1701


  8. Eugeniusz Says:

    Wow, I think you will be a great OB. It seems like you have a real love for children, fiielams, and people in general. Sad to say that those qualities are rare traits in todays world. I believe not just anyone should be in just any job because you could be in a job that you hate and end up making everyone who comes in contact with you at work miserable. You have the joy and care to be great at your job and effect those you will be working around not only by your knowledge , but by your love for what you do.


  9. auto insurance Says:

    Yup, that’ll do it. You have my appreciation.


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