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News Story

April 27th, 2010 by skippy

I have a news story that I feel I need to bring to your attention. A 74 year old Canadian woman was recently extradited to the US to face a 30 year old marijuana charge.

Now I am not showing you folks this news story because I think that the extradition was excessive given the time and charge. And I’m not showing you as part of a lecture on my beliefs on marijuana legalization. This isn’t about overzealous border patrol agents, or even about how our society tends to treat the elderly.

I am showing you this story because it has a picture of the most awesome grandmother ever.

Bonus points: What do you think she is looking at in that photo? My theory is that she is making somebody dance lewdly for her amusement.

“But Mrs. Cole, I don’t feel right about this.”
“Shaddup Billy. Do you want a new bike or not?”

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10 Responses to “News Story”

  1. StoneWolf Says:

    Firstly, awesome grandma!

    Secondly, good god let the old bat go.

    Thirdly, I hate pot, I don’t like getting high, and for the love of god, if someone has turned down your offer of pot three times in a row don’t be surprised when I hit you the fourth time you offer, idiot! That said, legalize the shit under the same rules as alcohol. It’ll empty out space in the prisons for the real criminals and it’ll shut the damn potheads up because they won’t have anything left to bitch about.


  2. Shadowydreamer Says:

    I’m perfectly fine with legalizing pot even though I’m allergic to it. I don’t care if you sit in your apartment, get stupid, and eat lots of cookies. I’d rather deal with a stoned pothead than a drunk alcoholic ANY DAY of the week.

    But.. damn Canadians. Can’t just take us anywhere. Disrupters and rabblerousers the lot of us.


    tremorwolf reply on April 28th, 2010 11:45 am:

    OMG people look at me like I’m a freak when i say I’m Allergic to Pot!!! ,, Nice to know I’m not the only one!

    My throat and eyes start to swell up before i even SMELL the stuff.


    paula reply on April 29th, 2010 9:55 am:

    count me in too!

    I’d told a friend this several times; friend said they understood, then friend and I decided to share a house. Next, see alledged friend breaking out a huge bag of the stuff they’d bought to pass around at our housewarming, and then hunting me up where I was setting up a sleeping bag WAY out in the back. Next is so-called friend telling me they were sure I’d be fine if I’d “just give it another try”!

    Next, see me moving outta there.


  3. Mike Says:

    I think I would like to hang with this elderly lady. She apparently more fun that a lot of younger folks. She is only 11 years older than me, I am sure we have enough in common to jabber about while high.


  4. Willy Says:

    Wow. That is an AWESOME picture :D


  5. SeanM Says:

    What about that bottle of rum she’s holding? Either she’s Gary Coleman sized, or that thing’s like a gallon!


    paula reply on April 28th, 2010 6:57 am:

    my own grandma (probably…. I’m not entirely sure!) wouldn’t share in the pot-smoking, but the drinking? oh hell YES my sweet old granny would’ve been right there!


  6. kat Says:

    lol, Even the Drug and Alchohol counselor in the ER I work at doesn’t both with potheads unless they’re high on other things. He’ll go in there and be like, “I’m supposed to tell you to stop smoking pot, but I’m not going to. Just don’t do any other drugs, ok?” I’ll say this, they never have to be tied up, they’re very compliant. We hate drunks, crackheads and speedsters. We REALLY hate ‘Shrooms and PCP. But pot, not so much. Just give them some food and they’re usually happy.


  7. Matt Says:

    WOW! Looks like my dear departe Grandma. I knew we should of driven the stake deeper…


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