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My Time At Gen Con

August 25th, 2009 by skippy

As I mentioned earlier, I got to go to Gen Con a little over a week ago, and stuff went pretty well.

First of all, I got to meet one of my favorite authors and artists, Howard Taylor.  We have spoken to each other online, and I was very shocked to learn he was a fan of my list.

S0 I visited with him at his booth where he introduced me to Tracy and Curtis Hickman.  Tracy Hickman wrote what was probably my favorite book series while I was in Jr High, the Dragonlance trilogy.  Tracy Hickman was also familiar with my website.  While he was saying hi to me, and I was trying not to go all “slavering fan boy” some people in line to get Tracy’s autograph overheard him talking to me about my site.

“Wait, you’re Skippy?”

“Yes?” I say cautiously.

“You wrote the 213 things?”

“Yes I did.”

“Oh my GOD! You’re a real person?!”  And then they took pictures of themselves next to me.

So overall it was a pretty good weekend to be my ego.

I also got to demo one of my games for a publisher, which was a pretty big deal for me.  They gave me a really good critique of my game, and I can use that to make it better, and maybe some day get it published.

Additionally, I found out about a pretty decent print on demand service, for board games.  Which means I might be able to start self publishing without going broke.  Stay tuned for this one.

I also got to meet several nice people in the industry, several of whom got invitations to plug their material on my site.

But one product that stood out in my opinion, is a new online board game called HeroMage.  It’s web based, free, and a lot of fun.  It’s definitely worth checking out.

Also it needs more players so I can get into games faster. My account name is Skippy if you want to get a game in.

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14 Responses to “My Time At Gen Con”

  1. StoneWolf Says:

    They should publish “Seven Habits of Highley Effective Pirates”.


  2. Pheonixfyre Says:

    Interesting-looking game. Unfortunately, I can’t connect. The game loads up fine, but when I click on the ‘connect’ button, nothing happens. And since I can’t create an account unless I connect, I can’t even mention this problem on their forums.


    Pheonixfyre reply on August 26th, 2009 3:09 pm:

    Nevermind, looks like the fixed the login. Thanks for pointing out this game!


  3. Arcanum Says:

    As a fan of Schlock Mercenary, I would’ve been more surprised if Tayler *wasn’t* a fan of your list (assuming he knew about it).


  4. CCO Says:

    Someone can beat GroupWise into submission?!!


  5. Jon Says:

    Nice that you met those guys. I just finished reading the XDM manual, and it is very well done!

    As for your board games, please let us know when they are ready! I am a big fan of off-the-wall board games that no one has ever heard of before.


    Minty reply on August 26th, 2009 3:47 pm:

    Second! I joined a (board) game group not too long ago, and we’re always looking for something new and shiny.


  6. Tao - Starlit Citadel Says:

    Hey Skippy,

    Congrats on meeting both Howard Taylor and Tracy Hickman! Those guys are great authors.

    Didn’t realise you were an aspiring game designer – best of luck with that. You should talk to some of the game designers at Board Game Geek if you haven’t already, they always have great suggestions.


  7. Millerman Says:

    You made me start playing the game, now I’m addicted ><


    Millerman reply on August 26th, 2009 4:25 pm:

    btw name is RighteousFury


  8. Tink_OC Says:

    Board game! – is thinking sad thoughts about the long lost Strategic Gaming Society, the code name that sounded more like a cult than D&D club, which we couldn’t call ourselves or be called out by the school administration for being insane cultists-

    Oh fear not, Dread Skippy, I will challenge thee!


  9. AFP Says:

    Great, now I’m wondering at the horror of a “213 Things Sergeant Schlock Can’t Do In Tagon’s Toughs”


  10. Jim A Says:

    Additionally, I found out about a pretty decent print on demand service, for board games. Which means I might be able to start self publishing without going broke.

    Don’t forget that the old Avalon Hill that we’re familiar with was actually Monarch Publishing, which got the right to the name, along with everything else, when the ORIGINAL AH went bankrupt in 1962.


  11. Chris Says:

    Care to specify which boardgame PoD service this was? A friend and I have both been fussing with laminators and colour printers, for lack of such a service.


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