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More Fun With Online Schools

May 27th, 2011 by skippy

Assignment: Use masking effects to modify this image in some way.
Me: Okay. I can do that.

Anybody wanna guess what I added?

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14 Responses to “More Fun With Online Schools”

  1. lukazaz Says:

    oh I know teacher!!

    you added that human school girl to a picture of our fiery world!!
    Great Chulthu will be pleased!!!


    skippy reply on May 27th, 2011 10:38 am:

    Actually I did add the girl as too, she wasn’t in the original picture.


    lukazaz reply on May 27th, 2011 10:40 am:

    placed on photoshopy technology… did you modify the bird/lizard thing on the pic or was it there… it looks weird…


    skippy reply on May 27th, 2011 10:43 am:

    What bird/lizard thing?

    lukazaz reply on May 27th, 2011 10:56 am:

    its the 1/2 “paper drawing” on the pictures hanging on the right next to the zombie

    skippy reply on May 27th, 2011 10:59 am:

    Oh, no all of the kids art was originally there. I added the little girl, and everything behind the windows.

  2. Psychlycan Says:

    (insert evil laugh here) took me a bit to spot it, for a moment, I thought you just replaced the little girl’s face.


  3. jmireles Says:

    Oh how delightfully twisted…


  4. Taliesin Says:

    Looks a little bit like Han Solo trapped in carbonite…


  5. jebbers12 Says:

    oh… i thought it was the zombie apocalyps ah well thats nice too i suppose

    ps if im missing e’s my e key is mssd up


  6. SkippyFan Says:

    Skippy, I’m without words. I dabble in GIMP (too cheap to buy Photoshop), and you have given me so much inspiration. Thank you.


  7. Brianna Says:

    I’m looking forward to your instructor’s reaction. Seriously! From other posts you have written I have gotten the impression s/he has no sense of humor and is entirely too “by the book” for my taste. (also too fond of suckups) Art classes should be about fostering creativity, not lessons in a bunch of rules. Keep us posted, or should we just keep a lookout for a large atomic cloud blossoming over the area of your instructor’s location?


    David B reply on April 15th, 2014 11:01 pm:

    You would have HATED my 6th and 7th grade art teacher. We had to use a protractor, a t-square, and a ruler to draw lines, no freehand! We couldn’t trace, and we couldn’t use mechanical pencils, which give you a more consistent line. Plus, if the assignment was late, it was a zero. If the assignment was due at the beginning of class, and you were late because you were in the bathroom or the office, it was a zero. Which was unfair.


  8. Ben Says:

    You know, I thought “zombies” before I even saw the picture.


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