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Archive for February, 2010

New Zealand Commercial

Monday, February 15th, 2010

Thanks to Tom for sending this in.

Commercial here.

From the Game Store

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

I have taken to playing tabletop wargames again.  It’s my one night out away from the kids each week, and I love my wife for letting me do this.

As anybody familiar with the particular brand of nerdom can tell you, you wind up bringing a lot of stuff with you when you play these sorts of games.  I myself have taken to packing my gaming accessories into a pampers box.  It’s just the right size, is fairly durable, and has handles.


Ask A Silly Question

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Today some asked me a rather silly question.

“Given the choice, would you rather sleep in or eat a delicious breakfast? Is there any food you love so much that you’d wake up at dawn or travel a great distance just to eat it?”


This Means I’m Either Awesome, Or An Asshole*

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

So last week I received an informative email**. The kind of informative email that has been forwarded somewhere around a billion times, contains really big font, and contains almost nothing but lies.

You all know it. Everybody has one or two relatives, or workmates who send you this sort of thing. Well thanks to my website, my address appears in a great many folk’s email applications. And so I get dump-loads of helpful emails on a simply staggering variety of subjects.


Things somehow end pretty well for me

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

Had a fantastic holiday back home. Saw lots of family, enjoyed some excellent food, stayed away from all holiday cookies (pretty proud of myself for that one). Stayed with family over the Christmas break, and with all of the holiday brew-ha-ha never had any time for intimacy with the fiance.

We rushed to get headed out on Saturday for the long 4 hour trip to Harrisburg from Pittsburgh. In our rush we ate some quick wraps from our local Sheetz gas station. (This becomes important later).

About half way through our drive my fiance realizes that she hasn’t gotten any in almost 4 days and wants to rectify that at 70 miles per hour. (No, this story isn’t going to go all penthouse letters on you) There is still ice and melting snow on the road, plus a nice layer of fog in the air. While I love my fiance, I love my life, and low car insurance premiums more.  At the very least I love low car insurance premiums on the same level. 


Man, And I Really Liked Heart Attack Grill

Monday, February 1st, 2010

But the owner had to go and start a silly lawsuit.