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From the Game Store

February 14th, 2010 by skippy

I have taken to playing tabletop wargames again.  It’s my one night out away from the kids each week, and I love my wife for letting me do this.

As anybody familiar with the particular brand of nerdom can tell you, you wind up bringing a lot of stuff with you when you play these sorts of games.  I myself have taken to packing my gaming accessories into a pampers box.  It’s just the right size, is fairly durable, and has handles.

One of the other players has taken to making fun of me for my choice in storage devices.

Gamestore Guy: Dude, you keep your army in a diaper box?  Can’t you find something more manly?

Me: Well the diapers box indicates that I’ve had sex at least once.  So that pretty much puts me ahead of the curve, here at the Games Shop.

Later we had another exchange, when he found out that I am taking care of the kids while my wife works.

Gamestore Guy: So you’re the housewife?
Me: No I’m the house husband.
GG: But why would you stay with the kids while your wife works?
Me: Because she can make more money than me.  Two kids are expensive.  Even if the video game industry was in a hiring frenzy around here, which they aren’t, I will still at most make almost as much as she will.  So I get to stay home with the kids, and go to school online.
GG:  Don’t you worry that this makes you look like less of a man?*
Me: Perhaps, but I’m compensating for a really big penis.

*This is even funnier when you realize that we were, in essence, two grown adults playing with army men at the time he said it.

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17 Responses to “From the Game Store”

  1. Sgt. Spooky Says:

    Only at a Warhammer table can a conversation degrade this far over something as simple as a diaper box.
    So says the 40K Imperial Guard player who carries his army in a REALLY big makeup case that he tried to “butch” up by painting it black……

    captcha- cannot types
    No, I cannot types today…….


    Anonymous reply on October 13th, 2014 3:17 pm:

    And I get crap for using my old Athern (a model railroad company that USED to produce shake-the-box-kits) boxes to keep my figures separated.


  2. Willy Says:

    Bahahahahahaha! That is quite entertaining. Hard to say which one is more entertaining.


  3. Tim Covington Says:

    Only someone insecure in their manliness would question someone’s manliness for being a good father.


  4. Albaholly Says:

    I used to carry mine in a huge pink thing…wasn’t manly…but it worked :)


    Elements Rook reply on February 18th, 2010 11:29 pm:

    It takes a real man to rock the pink. Back in the day we had a hell of a time getting our cuffs back from the local PD when we did a take down. We would go to a transfer, and when we would go to get our cuffs, the officer would try and go with the “O those are ours’ song and dance. So a mate of mine went out and got a set of hot pink ASP brand handcuffs. Strangely enough he never had to argue with the local law types on who’s cuffs they were. Added bonus, the ‘roid raging clown in pink cuffs being held near the front of the club.

    Now if you had Eldar in the box, it doesn’t mater what color the box , thats gay


  5. Anonymous Says:

    I personally tend away from this particular brand of nerdism (I like to pretend I have a life), but I carry my laptop (and associated peripherals) in a rather large black bag.
    Which I learned a few weeks ago was originally designed as a “man purse”.

    CAPTCHA: bushiest prominence. I am not even going to go into the number of jokes I can make about that on this topic.


  6. Twan Says:

    I used to carry my armies in a yellow tool box. So I think I win this round.

    But yeah, I really enjoyed reading this, because it’s so true. I have friends who’ve recently taken to playing D&D. I thought that it was funny, until I heard that they were slaying Leviathans with triplets who looked like Hugh Jackman and took quests from Bolaf Ganja, the Jamacian dwarf.


    Sequoia reply on February 15th, 2010 5:47 pm:

    Hahaha. We didn’t kill the Leviathan. We were only level two…

    And Bolaf, so many fun times*.

    By fun times I mean getting completely smashed and trying to burn down a tavern.


    Twan reply on February 15th, 2010 6:26 pm:

    lawl I can’t remember, I told back in October. I forgot that you were in that group.

    captcha – for bandies

    “What? You can’t use that as your battle cry!”
    -“Why not? You have one.”
    “Mine is for nobility, honor and a deceased, yet no longer forgotten, people.”
    -“Mine is for bandies.”
    “That’s not–”


    Billy reply on February 15th, 2010 10:01 pm:

    “what is it, what are you trying to say?”
    “For… Pony!”

    SpaceMunky reply on February 17th, 2010 5:11 am:

    /y FOR PONY!!! (at least that’s my macro on WoW for my Undead Warlock named Retchard (a shameless ripoff I know))

    Captcha: Negotiating Femora: I won’t go into this one seeing the Femoral Artery is in the inner thigh :)

  7. StoneWolf Says:

    I often carry around a Maxpedition satchel as my go-bag. A friend makes fun that my “purse” is bigger than hers. Then she realized that mine has a liter of water, power bars, 1st aid kit, flashlight, multi-tool, sidearm, pen/paper, phone, etc while hers just has makeup and a cell. When the zompocalypse happens, I will be prepared and she’ll just make the zombies pretty.

    I also have a friend that uses an old makeup box to store cleaning supplies for his mother’s old revolver which is now his.


  8. SSG Hay Says:

    I had my WHFB Skaven and Mordheim stuff in a couple of 18 gallon plastic tubs, but all the extra stuff (books, building materials, glues, magnets, whatnot) in a Pampers box. When you buy your diapers in bulk from Sam’s Club, you suddenly see a lot of your long-term storage come in the form of diaper boxes.

    Now, the really funny part about my diaper-contained man-boy toys is that this past weekend I sold off all of my stuff to some friends – I have a kid, a demanding job, and enough hobbies with paintball and hitting people with sticks (http://www.sca.org/), so something I had to go. The friends I sold the stuff to don’t have any kids, and will never have any kids (outside of their vast menagerie of fur-kids), but now they have at least one diaper box in the house.


  9. Jim A Says:

    For people playing with microarmor (epic scale for you GW types) PLANO tackle boxes are popular.

    Re: penis jokes, there was the time several of us were on a road trip and we stopped to use some fast-food rest room. Being the last one there, I was using the kiddie height one:
    My friend: HAHA, you have to use the kiddie urinal..

    Me: Some of us need the clearance…


    Housellama reply on August 3rd, 2010 6:39 pm:


    I’ll have to remember that one. I’m only 5’4″ tall, and most of my friends are a good bit taller than I am, including the girls. I used to get a whole lot of crap for being short.

    One time at a party, they were giving me a lot of drunken shit, so I told them that God had to do something to make up for giving me a huge penis. Being drunk at the time, they told me to prove it. Unfortunately for them, I did. Now they give me shit for completely different things.

    They haven’t hit me with that one yet, so I’ll have to get the jump on them. I always get the best reactions when I pull one they have given me before


  10. Signalist Says:

    I don’t play tabletop wargames but I do carry a certain kind of bag with me where ever I go, some people would sometimes ask me why I am carrying a women’s bag with me, to which I would reply by asking if they know what the SA -stamp in said gasmask bag stands for (someone has bought lots of these and started to turn them into ‘military chic’ -stuff, you know, tartan patterns, flowers, hearts, huge safety pins in neon colors and other equally ‘military’ things, does someone REALLY buy that stuff? And who exactly is doing this, (s)he is obviously asking for a strange ‘accident’ to happen to him/her, these bags are the best I have ever seen, and someone is making killing by intentionally ruining them?)


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