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Zombie Story Part 4

June 9th, 2009 by Billy

This is the latest installment of my story. I am still writing another story of mine, asthma one that I hope to get published, ambulance so if you do happen to still enjoy this story, despite its flaws, any help in getting my other, better written story, published would be greatly appreciated. And now, Part 4 of Zombie story. (I still need to work on my ability to name my writing.)

“Mr. Washington, this strange new threat has taken over several of the settlements, but it seems to have started near Williamsburg. It also has been a severe problem for the British as well, as some of our men watching their formations have witnessed these things that were once human overrun the troops. It appears, so far, that these abominations do not die from shots through the heart, or even from dismemberment. However, if one manages to destroy the brain, they fall like they had been dead the whole time,” said Benjamin Franklin.

It was then that a messenger entered a room, saying that a young woman, covered with blood arrived, stating that she had just come from a small settlement near Williamsburg.

“Let her in,” said Benjamin.

When Jennifer entered, she was speechless; partly from the awe of seeing the men leading those trying to liberate the colonies from the British, but also she had trouble trying to figure out how to say what happened.

“Sit down, please, I would offer to have my wife help you clean yourself up first, but, as I am sure you know, time is of the essence. First of all, tell us exactly what happened,” asked Mr. Washington.

“Well, your honor,” a greeting that Washington just waved away, “my settlement had been attacked, it had looked like it was the British at first, as they were wearing red uniforms, but their faces…they looked like they had been dead for days. After they had attacked, and after I killed a few of them myself with my father’s musket, I hid in a crawlspace underneath my house with my mother. After the undead moved on, I searched around the village for the other survivors, I found only five people. My mother, after leaving the house, saw the blood and gore outside and her heart couldn’t take it. She fainted and never woke up. After we buried my mother, we ran our horses as quickly as we could here.” Jennifer finished, after telling her story in a shaky voice.

“Now, this will be hard for you, but I need you to remember, do you know what direction the monsters came from?” asked Benjamin. After thinking a moment, Jennifer replied that the alarms had sounded from the east, near the ocean. “You may rest here for now; my wife will look after you. We will send a few informed men out to investigate the coast. Perhaps we can learn about these things if we can learn their origin,” said Mr. Washington.

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3 Responses to “Zombie Story Part 4”

  1. GraveOne Says:

    MOAR MOAR!!!!

    Billy this thing is adictive please send Skippy some moar text… have you thought about a graphic novel….

    Captcha Babylon popper…. damn does are strong


    Billy reply on June 10th, 2009 10:09 am:

    I would have done a graphic novel of my other stories if I could draw, sadly, while a picture is worth a thousand words, I can only do the thousand words.


  2. Captain Scurvy Says:

    Good, you’re getting much better!


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