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Archive for the ‘Happy Birthday To You’ Category

Extra Birthday Treat

Friday, February 6th, 2009

So a little while ago my wife notices that we were getting significant traffic from my ranking at The Heart Attack Grill. And since she has a web design business going we figure the extra traffic could hep her out too.

So if it’s not too much trouble would you mind clicking on the other link for her?  I mean it is her birthday and all. (And now I can get a free burger too.)

Also, if you are in the market for web design, try checking out GeekArtist Web Solutions.  She pretty much does everything here, except for the writing.  And presumably you think this site is pretty good, since you are reading this and all.

T-minus 2 hours to bovine induced cardiac implosion.  Yeeehaw!

That’s right, I said “yeehaw”.  Deal with it.