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Lady Gaga; Innocent Pop Singer, or Sinister Tool of the Illuminati?

March 17th, 2010 by skippy

I have a link to a rather informative article on the subject.

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, help Illuminati phone.

I bet you can guess which way the author leans on this subject.

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24 Responses to “Lady Gaga; Innocent Pop Singer, or Sinister Tool of the Illuminati?”

  1. rollen the tompson gunner Says:

    its on the internet so it much be true… I swear some people have way to much time on their hands


  2. LoC Says:

    …Lady who?

    kidding, kidding… but seriously, anything that puts musicians like her in a bad light is awesome in my book. Also, paranoid delusionals are always fun.

    Captcha: saucing which – I’ve never worked at a restaurant, but if a cook has to ask that one…


    Jinn Master reply on March 19th, 2010 1:58 am:

    Lady Gaga is actually a brilliant artist. She mocks pop-culture in ways most people don’t pick up on, and is one of the best musicians currently popular.

    Little known fact- she could have gone into Julliard at age 11, but chose not to.

    Anyway, that article was funny.


    AFP reply on March 20th, 2010 5:48 am:

    Did you know that Lady Gaga invented hamburgers by kicking a cow, through a chain link fence, into a bread truck?

    True story.

    Captcha too awesome to pass up: Menorahs Hua – the Kosher Rangers! (Remember, no destroying our enemies on the Sabbath)


  3. StoneWolf Says:

    It occurs to me, that is someone has the time and resources to dig all this information up, then either they have no job and are trying to make themselves feel useful by “warning” the rest of us, or they work for the CIA,FBI or ONI and are running a counter-intel campaign to confuse the crap out of us.

    And another thing. They quote all these studies and papers and shit. Show me the fucking papers! Don’t just blab at me, PROVE your point if its valid. Did these people never learn about biblographies in school? Oh, right, school is run by the alien overlords so they never went.

    And yet another thing. Where are they getting this information anyway? Files declassified by the government, testimony of unknown or questionable sources, hours (presumably) studiying tomes of the occult at their local libary, etc. You want good fucking intel, infiltrate. Don’t look at a picture and tell me “See, these seemingly innocous things are symbols of the occult masters!”. Get in, talk to them, collect your data, and exfiltrate. You know, like any good intelligence agency does?

    I have an Uncle who is all over conspiracy theories that he discovers sitting in his office in Georgia perusing the internet. Damn conspiracy theorists.


    ShuttleZ reply on March 18th, 2010 4:02 pm:

    I wouldn’t worry about it anyway. Not when Planet X is going to smash the Earth to peices when we reach the end of the Myan Calander in Dec, 2012. :-/

    Captcha – expect fevered…. What? Expect fevered paranoid delusions with megalomaniac tendancies? Again? Didn’t we have that in 2000?


    paula reply on March 20th, 2010 11:15 am:

    so….. if the world is really ending in 2012, then it’s okay for me to max out all my credit cards, since I won’t have to worry about paying them off because neither I nor MasterCard will still be here?!?

    yippee, it’s party time!


    Maven reply on March 26th, 2010 5:35 am:

    My theory as to why 1999 was my biggest retail year. People thought the credit card computers would crash and they wouldn’t have to pay off the debt. Personally, I’m looking forward to being in retail in 2011!

    Susan reply on March 26th, 2010 10:34 pm:

    I noticed the other day that my debit card expires in Dec 2012. Really. Does my bank know something I don’t?

  4. Minty Says:

    Wow. That’s just–wow. A crazy analyzing the output of another crazy.

    “What do they call it when everything intersects?”
    “The Bermuda Triangle.”

    We’re definitely off the map now.


  5. Catherine Says:

    What the fuck did I just read?
    Wow…someone is living in their mother’s basement with a tin-foil hat.


  6. Willy Says:

    I read some of it. Then gave up. I have a major problem with secret societies ruling the Earth. They will either be too busy secretly attacking each other, or if there’s only one society, it will be too burdened by internal politics, assassinations, etc. Basically, I can’t see an organization of the most powerful people on the planet involve them actually WORKING TOGETHER.


    kat reply on March 19th, 2010 10:02 am:

    YES! Thank you! I have a co-worker who is a conspiracy theorist (9-11 plot, the “Amero” replacing the currency for US, Canada and Mexico, the who nine yards) I keep trying to tell him that SAME thing. If there was some secret society that has been ruling the world for however long (depending on who you talk to it’s been up to 3000 years) could someone then please explain to me WWI and WWII, the Cold War, Vietnam, Korea, all the Africans killing each other, Bosnian-Serb conflict… the list goes on and on and on.
    Also, if these people are intelligent enough to “rule the world” what makes you think that you are smart enough to catch them?


    Willy reply on March 19th, 2010 3:28 pm:

    Come to think of it, people ruling the world might be a good thing. I remember a funny comic I read, basically this dictator takes over the world, and BAM world peace.

    Thing is, a secret society ruling the world is as likely as the democrats and republicans joining forces to rule the U.S. They’d have a pretty good shot if they did, but….they won’t.


    paula reply on March 20th, 2010 11:19 am:

    oooh, the ‘Amero’? Hadn’t heard that one! Best I’ve got is a co-worker who’s convinced NASA causes hurricanes by “punching holes in the atmosphere with rockets”. And yeah: she also says manned space flight & the moon landings were all hoaxes…..


    kat reply on March 20th, 2010 10:01 pm:

    Well, most hurricanes do occur in Florida, so as flawed as the logic is I can almost follow the train of thought… It goes through some tunnels, the bridge is definitely unsafe and there may be some hobo’s sleeping on the tracks but I can kindof, almost see it. As far as the manned space-flight thing goes, there’s nothing you will ever say to convince those people that they are wrong, I stopped trying years ago. Anything you can come up with, they’ve got an argument for.
    One of my other favorites is the Matrix theory (yes, there are wackjobs who actually believe that one). Personally, I think that the fact that Hollywood made a movie about it pretty much disproves that theory. If we were in fact living batteries for a species of intelligent machines and we are all existing in an alternate reality universe created by them simply for our enjoyment pleasure, why would they allow us to make a movie about it? Completely ignoring the fact that I’m sure that intelligent computers (or machines, whatever) could certainly come up with a better and more efficient energy solution than that, they’d waste more energy keeping us alive than they’d ever get back.

    JawBreaker2Delta reply on March 21st, 2010 11:30 am:

    One of the things I learned from “them” when I was in Baghdad was, “if you get busted, lie, deny and make counter accusations”. The best place to hide is often right in front of those looking for you.

    CAPTCHA: he gander

    What is he gandering at? Does he know he’s gandering right at it? What is the sound of one hand clapping? Does the Pope shit in the woods? If no-one is around to hear it, does he still wear the funny little hat?

    Food for thought to get you through the great overthrowing of 2012.

    Enjoy kiddies…..

    JB2D out.

    paula reply on March 21st, 2010 2:14 pm:

    Yeah, I’ve always figured the problem with conspiracy theories being true is people: somehow, I have a real problem believing the thousands and thousands of people involved could keep their mouths shut.

    captcha: Dean comforts — who is Dean comforting? and why?


    StoneWolf reply on March 22nd, 2010 7:36 am:

    There’s also the consideration that, if these secret rulers had the resources to rule the world secretly, it would be much easier to use those same resources to rule the world openly. Plus, there’s the INFOSEC problem. I’ve met professionals who don’t know diddly about security. So, yeah, the secret would have been out a long time ago. There’s a great quote I feel is appropriate for the conspiracy theories, and its bloody true, trust me, I work for the government. “Never attribute to malice that which can be more easily explained by incompetance”.


  7. JMireles Says:

    I’ll say this about Lady Gaga’s music. Good beat. Good melody. Good rythm. Horrendous lyrics. Quite possibly the worst written songs I’ve ever encountered, which is a shame becuse I think underneath it all, she’s talented. Overall, I don’t like her music. As to this article, I came away from it bored and more than a little confused. I think her music is vapid, and brainless. To imply in any form that her music is about mind control, is to assign to her music a leel of sophistication that simply isn’t there.


  8. oneluckyduck Says:

    First off, this is the first time I am commenting.
    I’ve read the List. Oh my Lord, I read it in school-not a good idea (it was free time, by the way). It was so hard to hold my laughter in, I think everyone thought I was crazy or spazzing out…
    Next. Thank you for sending me to this wonderful, wonderful article-note sarcasm! XD It made me laugh. I take Lady Gaga’s music at face value (Except Poker Face. Because, you know, you are supposed to read into that one…). Part of me wants to say “Yeah right, I doubt that they are talking ’bout mind control, of all things…” but then I started thinking (never a good idea) and decided that Lady Gaga WOULD write a song about mind control. I just don’t think she has yet. I guess we will see!
    Oh, and before I forget-
    Captcha: indicted Almighty
    What Almighty? Are you talking about “The” Almighty? What was he indicted of? Who’s blameing him? What does he think of Lady Gaga’s music? Is HE the one controling us?!?!?!?!?!
    Go Conspiracy Theories!!!


  9. Yoron Says:

    I checked your link Snappy, and you’re correct.
    She’s a clone.

    Don’t know when she got planted here though? But as far as I can see all the relevant information was there. The plastic wrap, her shell shocked hair turned white before her time, the anal probe..

    Don’t worry though, we’re on to her.

    We salute you for your unerring work to ferret out out those evil masterminds, trying to take over our planet. Yes, we know she’s seems a victim, but, without a victim no perpetrator, right? Yeah right…

    And it’s quite tricky of them, presenting herself that way. A Evil Mastermind indeed.

    For a free society and a clean(er) mind space.
    Now, go do your duty…



  10. Billy Says:

    Quick question. If she is supposedly singing about mind control, and part of the purpose of mind control is that those whose minds are controlled don’t know that their minds are controlled, why is she singing about it?


  11. Yoron Says:

    A clever ruse to confuse us, but we’ve seen through it it. We’ve already contacted the Illuminati.

    The codeword will be Bugs bunny…


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