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Contest Winners

March 4th, 2009 by skippy

Winners have been selected.

They will be announced when I actually write the post to explain the list item.

I will most likely put the first one up tomorrow.  To tide you over, unhealthy enjoy these fine internet thingies.

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12 Responses to “Contest Winners”

  1. Sean Beattie Says:

    The video of Nancy Grace losing control of her own show is priceless, and I’m glad it’s been immortalized on YouTube. In fact, I think that should happen on Fox News on a daily basis….just cut from Bill O’Reilly to a video of a cow humping a tractor. Comedy gold, I tell you.

    Captcha= 88th Biddle….when 87’s not enough?


    Grayson reply on March 5th, 2009 1:51 am:

    Sorry to rain on your parade, Sean, but someone should point out that cows, being female, are almost never seen ‘humping’ things. In fact, cows usually GET humped, by huge animals called ‘bulls’. Now, all things considered, a video of Bill O’Reilly humping a cow, on a tractor, would be somewhat interesting, if highly distasteful. A broadcast of a bull humping Nancy Grace would be worthy of the six o’clock International news (not to mention long overdue). But a video of a cow humping a tractor?
    That would be udderly preposterous.
    Just an observation.

    (by the way, it’s amazing what I can type when I’m suffering from acute alcohol intoxication, izzn’t it?)


    Sean Beattie reply on March 5th, 2009 2:00 am:

    Cows, bulls, I don’t really care. It was funny to see someone’s useless “news” program get hijacked by her own people, and I think it’d be equally hilarious if other crews and tech directors spread the wealth of that concept to other networks and other equally useless pundits and news commentators (commentarians?).

    Sorry I’m not up on my bovine gender identification terms.


    StoneWolf reply on March 5th, 2009 5:56 am:

    I second that.

    Andrew reply on March 5th, 2009 3:46 am:

    “That would be udderly preposterous.”



    Squid Vicious reply on March 5th, 2009 9:28 am:

    Actually, coming from a rural background, I’ve seen cows hump each other rather frequently, probably something to do with lack of male attention or something. Yes, bulls are more likely to do it to a tractor, but it could also be a steer or a cow.


    Sequoia reply on March 5th, 2009 9:35 am:

    Udderly? Sneaky pun.


  2. Doc_G Says:

    Hate to tell you this Grayson, but I also grew up in a rural setting and have witnessed “cows” humping each other, a smallish horse, and even a 3 wheeler on one occasion. Further (and a bit off topic) I have also witnessed females of other species (dogs for instance) hump other female dogs. While I do not know the specifics behind it, I was always told its the easiest way to tell when a female animal is in heat. So theoreticly speaking, while not probable it is possible a cow would hump a tractor should certain circumstances arise.

    Captcha: Selma Yard…. selma house, selma car I’m movin’ ta the tropics.


    Grayson reply on March 11th, 2009 12:20 pm:

    All right, point taken. But I can’t resist an opportunity to let fly with a good pun (or a not-so-good pun). It’s a character flaw.


  3. Lit Says:

    …aaaaand right around the 3:00 minute mark on the last video #84 on the list is explained


  4. rankleboy Says:

    Not the first person mentions the turtles. Shame on you all.


    Dennis reply on March 6th, 2009 8:37 pm:

    Dammmn, the turtles were the funniest bit.


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