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Archive for November 28th, 2007

More neat stuff

Wednesday, November 28th, 2007

Nerd Stuff – If you are not a nerd, you might want to skip to the bottom.
As I’ve said before, one of the neat perks of my job is getting to see all of the side projects people are working on. One of my co-workers spent a significant chunk of his time putting this together.
It’s a role-playing game set in a dark future after a portal to hell has destroyed most of civilization. So it’s basically light hearted family material. I believe the hallmark channel wants to make a movie out of it.

Non-nerd stuff:
Some people have emailed me recently over this video.

They were wondering if this was me, and in fact if this was photographic evidence of the infamous “Barbie girl dance”. This is not me, and the soldier in the video, is not, in fact, actually dancing. If anyone knows who it is, feel free to put it up in the comments section

There is, fortunately for me, no photographic proof of this dance. And it’s probably fortunate for everyone else too. Some things just shouldn’t bee seen.  And me doing that dance is like bad touch for the eyes.