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Archive for the ‘All Better Now’ Category

Thank You All

Thursday, February 5th, 2009

Well a whole bunch of you clicked on the link for me. Six hundred and fifteen of you at the time of this posting. So thanks for hooking me up.

Thanks to your efforts, I now not only get to take my wife out to eat for free, but I get extra advertising off of the Heart Attack Grill site. (Number 12 position, Woo!)

Of course there were 2,700 unique visitors to my site the day I put the link up.  So you other 2,085 bastards can just go piss off.  What is it you hate more: birthdays, hamburgers, or sexy nurse outfits?  It’s positively un-American to hate those things.  I hope you are ashamed of yourself.

Airport Security Update

Monday, January 12th, 2009

It looks like me and my wife figured out how to work around the problem of the characters getting reversed.

So here are the new and improved Airport Security images.

This will also be the last time I mess with a language that uses a different alphabet on my site, because it always becomes a huge pain in the butt.
