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Counseling Statements

October 1st, 2009 by skippy

One of my readers sent me a link to to a site that is having a contest for humorous counseling statements. I’m not sure if I should enter this contest, although I am tempted to post everything from my list that was actually used in a counseling statement.

But it’s a funny read, and if any of you have anything to add, they might give you a free t-shirt.

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6 Responses to “Counseling Statements”

  1. Caine Says:

    Pretty funny. =)

    Capptcha: Assess made – out of you and me


  2. JP Says:

    I will not roll into a village dressed in MOPP4, pop smoke grenades, and cue the PSYOP truck to play “let the bodies hit the floor.”

    – Or anything else off my Ipod under the playlist titled “Angry Deployment Music”

    that is just great


  3. Willy Says:

    You know, if I was ever in the army, I’d get something about not using the flame thrower to kill mosquitoes and/or other bugs…..Seriously….

    But it’s the perfect weapon to kill them with!


    JP reply on October 2nd, 2009 10:12 am:

    just mind your background


  4. Matt Says:

    I came close, many years ago, to being charged with insubordination, and/or disobeying an order for refusing to counsel a female soldier for not wearing a bra during PT. 1) she truly didn’t need a bra and b) if she did, why would we want her to wear one?


  5. M578Jockey Says:

    I got written up once for driving around the bivouac area using the smoke generator on the M-88 to clear out mosquitos and charging platoons a bottle a piece for our services.

    Captcha: Kublai Palermo – I thought Kublai Khan went to Xanadu…


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