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I Think I May Need This Movie

August 16th, 2011 by skippy


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4 Responses to “I Think I May Need This Movie”

  1. matt las vegas Says:

    Is this is going to be one of those things you need like the inflatible sheep.


  2. Taliesin Says:

    This is making me consider paying for porn for the first time. Not even because it’s porn, but because it’s funny.


  3. Squab Says:

    I’m scared…

    and I also think I may need to watch it.

    “I’m being recused by a transvestite.”


  4. Sean Says:

    I hope they don’t stick to the original planning of the actual trilogy, in which Leia was only revealed to be Luke’s sister *after* she Frenched him on the Death Star…*shudder*


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