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Archive for October, 2010

Nighty Night Daddy

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

The other night my daughter was sitting on my lap, stuff while I was watching television. She had at some point previously managed to snag a small pillow. I think it was originally velcroed in to her car seat, ed not sure where she found it, click but as small objects the baby can grab a small pillow seemd pretty innocuous.

As I sat there minding my own business, my little girl turns around and looks up at me. She stood up on my lap, the pillow clutched in both hands. She made eye contact and smiled. Then very slowly but firmly she wedged the pillow over my nose and mouth. She made quiet and cheerful little cooing noises as she tried to smother me.

Once again, not sure if this is adorable or horrifying.

Catchy Dance

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

A little girl creates a a new dance craze.

A Shot Fired In Annoyance

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

I have a younger brother in the 82nd Airborne, and when he came home for Christmas he shared with us a humorous tale that I thought you might enjoy or even put on the site.

My brother is a Rigger, in charge of packing chutes and rigging things for drops, for the 82nd Airborne. Recently he and his unit were sent on a short term mission to Afghanistan, doing a resupply drop for an isolated group. They dropped a few pallets of food and weapons along with two MRAPs but that is really secondary to the story. The planes stopped at Bagram to refuel and take on a few soldiers headed home so he had a few hours free in country. My brother and another soldier from his unit got permission and took off to a nearby hillside for chow and photos. As they sat eating their rations, the other soldier turned to my brother and pointed to an area down slope about twenty yards from them where little puffs of sand kept popping up. My brother looked to the horizon and saw three figures silhouetted on another hill and accompanying muzzle flashes. They took cover and called it in. The conversation with their CO went something along these lines (I’m repeating his words but he may have paraphrased, I don’t know). (more…)

Best French Cartoon Ever

Monday, October 4th, 2010

Better even that Pepe Le Pew. Thanks to Polkster for showing me this.


The First Rule of Jane Austen

Monday, October 4th, 2010

I cannot remember if I posted this before, order so I will post it now, just to be sure.

Battletech. For kids.

Monday, October 4th, 2010

My children totally need these. One each.

An Actual Conversation

Friday, October 1st, 2010

In which I vastly improve a famous movie and book franchise.