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Archive for February 17th, 2010

Adventures in Online School

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

At the present I am taking advantage of the newer and more generous GI Bill to go to online school. This allows me to take care of children, and do some freelance work, while still working on getting a degree.

Since I used to be a graphic designer for the Army (DINFOS trained killer!) and since I seem to be pretty good at it, that’s what I have decided to study.

If you’re ever been to an art school, or been to college with art majors, you may remember that art students can, at times, be a tad flaky. Most people haven’t been to an online school, but those that have can attest, online students, and instructors can be very flaky as well. After a few semesters I have discovered that these are cumulative modifiers.


Avatar Larp

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

Thank goodness they’re only joking.

Sweet Jesus, I hope they’re only joking.
