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Another Celebrity Sex Tape

December 27th, 2009 by skippy

The title pretty much says it all.

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11 Responses to “Another Celebrity Sex Tape”

  1. Bane Says:

    you have ruined my childhood.



  2. ShuttleZ Says:

    0.0 …..facepalm….. That’s ruined the Mario games for me. Curse my over active imagination…..now I’m thinking of Mario “riding” Yoshi…..I think my brain just threw up into my skull. I need my mental floss.

    Captcha: Discard do …… oh please do. Please discard these BAD thoughts. :-x


  3. Billy Says:

    I guess i’m just too screwed up to be properly offended.


  4. Shadowydreamer Says:

    That made me giggle..


    Minty reply on December 28th, 2009 10:21 am:

    Me too. All I can think of is the princess whining about getting fired from Nintendo for some BS reason and absolutely not, in no way shape or form related to her sex tape.


  5. Tzanti Says:


    Truly bizarre. Even by Skippy’s List standards that was truly bizarre.

    captcha: Huddled around – more like Catatonic state.


  6. Gunrunner Says:

    OK…what do I have to do to make coins appear? 12 strokes, 15 strokes, 3 strokes & jump, a spin, & a short run? C’mon, c’mon WHAT’s the secret!? Could it be one coin per orgasm? :-P


    Minty reply on January 5th, 2010 2:14 pm:

    Could it be one coin per orgasm?

    Depends on the orgasm. XD


  7. Jaydar Says:

    When the “Our princess is in another castle” message came up, anybody else ever yell “fuck that!”? Yeah, kinda gives it a whole new meaning, eh?


  8. Ziggy Says:

    Why is little Mario higher resolution that the princess?


  9. Vhurka Says:

    Heh, this would have ruined my childhood innocence, but Amy stole all of that with the “if you give a mouse a blowjob” joke.


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