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Cop Out Friday

September 12th, 2008 by skippy

I’ve spent all day packing my house. I have no funny for you today.

Here is a bunch of fun stuff other people have created.

More Cowbell

Hadron Collider Web-cam

Parking Garage

Gaming Geek Site (Courtesy of ShadowCat)

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4 Responses to “Cop Out Friday”

  1. Stickfodder Says:

    Oh awesome find on that LHC Web cam. I’m still waiting for the song I chose to be integrated with more cowbell and Christopher Walken but I’m sure its going to make it 10 times as awesome. Why can’t more parking garages be like that one? Hopefully more will chose to include directional sines like that one.


  2. Caine Says:

    I really like the painted words in that parking garage. That’s pure brilliance.


  3. CCO Says:

    I agree! Brilliant is the right word for the parking garage signs.

    Why are you packing your basement, Skippy? Are y’all moving or just painting or some such?

    “Questions impurer” That sounds insulting!



  4. Fractured Cell Says:

    i showed the vid to my physics teacher. he went APE!

    it was so funny

    ta muchly for teh link

    Captcha: $4,000 remedy – thats some expensive medicine


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