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More about the update

January 19th, 2008 by skippy

I’m not adding more to my original list. (I am no longer in the Army and thus receive no new orders)

I am making a new list entirely, dedicated to a new subject.

And no, it is not about the video game industry.

I might start adding to the friends list again. I recently had a computer meltdown and lost all the old emails with suggestions that I had saved up. So if you have something you think is funny go ahead and send it in.

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2 Responses to “More about the update”

  1. AyumiFallassion Says:

    Do you need the new emails too?


  2. Dannie Says:

    I’m married too so i feel ur pain and my husband has 3 kids that i love but i tend to get in trouble with all the things i convinced them to do like telling his son to wear shoes on his hands and to walk on them or telling his daughter that sharpie is a form of paint. so maybe u should make a list of things not to do with or tell ur child to do. oh and boxing on a trampoline never ends well with an 8yr old.


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