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Archive for October, 2007

Pretty Pretty Princess

Monday, October 29th, 2007

One of the few things that was neat about the living in the barracks was the whole communal movie experience. Basically you had a bunch of poor young people cramped together, search and one of them rents a movie. Rather than pay to entertain themselves, impotent everyone just piles into the renters room and watches with them.

Well one evening my roommate came home with a copy of the animated Anastasia movie. And being responsible and mature young adults, symptoms | we proceeded to get drunk and watch cartoons.

One of the things that we noticed, is that when the Princess is leaving the orphanage, she is wearing a dark green trench coat, and what appears to be the hat from a set of dress blues.

As it happens, I owned a dark green trench coat, and was in possession of the hat from a set of dress blues.

My roommate points out to the people in the room, that I am in fact, in possession of a Princess Anastasia costume. The movie is paused, and I am made to go and put the outfit on.

I threw the clothes on, and weaved my way up to the television. For effect, I adopted the same pose that the cartoon princess was in.

Well right about then, my roommates supervisor barges in. Everybody freezes. And the NCO looks at me. Then he looks at the cartoon. Then he looks at me.

“I’m Princess Anastasia?” I suggested helpfully.

“Right. Does anyone else have an explanation for this?”

“He’s the lost heir to the Russian throne…and he’s got a talking bat but we haven’t seen that yet,” offered my roommate.

“Uh-huh….I’ll just try again tomorrow when you’re sober.”

By the next morning, my supervisor had heard the story. And if you’re reading this then you can probably guess how that part turned out.

Better than nothing I guess

Thursday, October 11th, 2007

So I’ve had hideous writers block for the past week or so. I keep starting posts, and then abandoning them. I got almost all the way through one, only to conclude that it wasn’t very good. One of the contributing factors was getting Team Fortress 2.

For those of you who are into video games but unfamiliar wit this one, TF2 is a great online competitive FPS, with a retro cartoony style and a warped sense of humor. For everyone who isn’t into computer games, I didn’t finish a post because I was busy trying to nerd myself to death.

So the last post I made, got over 500 people reading Shadowgirls. This is great for two reasons.
One: I got a whole bunch of people looking at my friend’s comic.
Two: There are at least five hundred people on the internet that will do things when I tell them too.

This has some definite potential. Now I just need to find a way to convert this newfound power into a big pile of money, free video games, and naked women.

On another note, I’m kind of wondering what to do for posts on here. I’ve been out of the Army nearly as long as I was in for, and eventually the well of stories is going to run dry.

I’d write funny stories about the video game industry, but there are two problems. The first is that the video game industry is not nearly as interesting as you might suspect. Plus it has the added disadvantage that I currently work in that industry, and wish to continue to do so. Some officer I used to work for getting pissy over my site is funny. Some guy who can actually fire me getting pissy is significantly less funny.

And since I’ve been stuck for a while does anyone have any other subjects they would like me to write about?