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This is What I Want For My Birthday

July 18th, 2011 by skippy

Somebody set this up for me.

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8 Responses to “This is What I Want For My Birthday”

  1. Ian M Says:

    Kewl. But you’d better check with Mrs Skippy first. ;)


    Catherine reply on July 18th, 2011 10:28 am:

    Mrs. Skippy can be Dancer #3. It’s Skippy’s birthday, after all…


  2. Tim Covington Says:

    We’ll have to see if we can get Rutabaga to dance around with his poi for you.


  3. The_Henchman Says:

    We know the proper people in your area for this event.


  4. Andrew Says:

    I can do that. No seriously, I really can do that. I even have my very own set of fire poi… But I look like crap in a bikini top and those bottoms.


  5. Damoncord Says:

    This is really cool, can only imagine how great this would be to see in person.


  6. kat Says:

    Frankly, the first girl was not a great dancer, she was good with the poi, but as a belly dancer, she didn’t seem like she really knew what she was doing. The second dancer seemed like a more competant dancer, as well as being skilled with the poi.


    AFP reply on July 27th, 2011 6:56 am:

    To be honest I wasn’t paying much attention to her belly dancing skills. She had a way of moving with so much grace and keeping the fireball things (the poi?) in motion without any accidents.

    I think I’m in love. Will have to get the Wife’s permission to bring her home. O_O


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