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Too Far?

April 2nd, 2009 by skippy

So the Pope has stated that he thinks that condoms do nothing to prevent the spread of AIDS.

I think he may have falsely arrived at this conclusion due to the fact that 9 year old boys are typically not a high risk for infection.

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62 Responses to “Too Far?”

  1. TGOBG Says:

    Perhaps the Pope and some of his high ranking Clergy need a trip to whatever country has the highest AIDS percentage, and let some of the INFECTED people have their way with them, We will use a test group, some get laid with condoms, some ride bare back, and we will have a control group that abstains from sex. We will use the lotto system to assign the individuals to the groups. That way there is no favoritism. Subjects are not allowed to say NO when approached for sex, I want to see the look on the Popes face when he discovers he (And his Cronies)have tested positive, because he refused to allow the use of a condom.


  2. ineedhelpbad Says:

    …And on the 8th day god said “Thou shalt not know know a women with a jimmy on thy rod”


  3. Chris Says:

    The pope is right. Sort of. Condoms are highly ineffective at preventing the spread HIV/AIDS. This is because of some very simple facts. Condoms are made of latex. Latex is an imperfect barrier; it is loaded with micropores. These micropores are in relation to the size of HIV particles as basketball hoops are to ping-pong balls. Additionally, 1 in every ~400 condoms will be allowed to leak water before they leave the factory; even condoms that do not visibly leak water still have a chance of leaking or breaking. The actual rate of success of condoms to prevent the introduction of sperm into the female reproductive tract is less than 80%, as opposed to whatever ballooned statistic the condom manufacturers are telling you. And all of that, naturally, assumes that the male is the infected specimen. If the female is infected, there is no condom that will cover a large enough area to prevent the spread of the disease. The fact of the matter is, condoms don’t work as well as the companies who produce them will tell you.

    Oh, and Skippy, watch the pedo-priest jokes. Yeah, fine, there have been some problems, but not every priest is a pedophile. Lumping them all together that way is just as bigoted as if I said that all Jews were greedy, money-grubbing bastards that lied about the Holocaust so that they could drive the Palestinians out of Israel/Palestine; all Muslims are fundamentalist nuts who hate America and want nothing more than to blow themselves up and kill Americans all for the glory of Allah and to undo what we in America stand for; that all Christians are insane, mindless devotees; that all opponents of abortion are sociopaths who blow up abortion clinics; that all blacks are uneducated and destined to a life of pimping/whoring… I could go on, but I think you see the point. A few select examples do not represent groups as a whole.


    LT Ronald reply on April 3rd, 2009 4:43 am:

    Whoa!!! Where the hell did that last paragraph come from?

    Did you not see what site you are on?

    The nicest thing about saying something that is “wrong” or stereotyping is that it is usually funny.

    If I said any guy would take a blowjob from just about anybody, even a fat chick, even a hot first cousin, even a burn victim…. (me to burn victim “Quit your crying it’s not like I’m cumming vinegar, and Yes, I promise to mold your face back together after I’m done”) /ref Jim Norton/

    Should I watch lumping all guys together at the risk of offending guys? That’s the beauty of freedom of speech.

    *Heads off to retirement home to trick confused old women into gum jobs* (watch out for voice boxes they’ll cut the hell out of your junk)

    Oh, and not all blacks end up pimping and whoring, some end up drug running, and some end up as “buddy cops”.


    Warbucks reply on April 5th, 2009 10:19 am:

    That was the most disgusting thing I’ve read in a LONG time. I need some brain-bleach- yuccckkk. I’m not even going to read the rest of the comments, I’m so done with this blog- obviously I do not belong here.

    BTW I’m with Chris, that was a good comment.


    LT Ronald reply on April 6th, 2009 4:46 am:

    I take that as a compliment.

    I do disagree that stereotyping can be dangerous.

    This is not a cult of mindless babbling followers. It is a humor website.

    Now that Skippy has made fun of Catholics we must all believe that every Catholic Priest is a homosexual pedophile.

    I went to an extreme for a point, do you even remember being offended with Skippy after reading what I wrote? Skippy asked if he went too far, and the snivlers out there (Chris and Warbucks) started doing what snivlers do, dropped a nice watery stool into their size 10 custom pampers, so I figured if that is what they think is too far I’d go even further. I went super far.

    “Wrong” humor is some of my favorite humor, Jim Norton is my favorite comic, there is a reason that there is a market for humor such as this.

    It is not everyone’s bag, but to ignore an entire blog that only pushes the envelope maybe one out of 50 posts is like walking across the street to not have to pass a homeless black man (just in case), and to me that makes you a whiner and worthy of much ridicule.

    *My comments do not necessarily reflect the views of Skippy.*

    tsukinofaerii reply on April 3rd, 2009 5:46 am:

    Completely ignoring your last paragraph and accepting your statistics as factual (which I don’t, but let’s go with it for the sake of discussion), ~80% is still a hell of a lot better than 0%, and methinks you missed how HIV functions in the female-infected scenario. (HINT: Skin-to-skin contact isn’t a threat for HIV transmission, except with there’s an open wound or some other direct method of transferring bodily fluids.) Most condom failure is due to improper use, not any failure of the item itself.

    What the *Pope* ignored is the realities of life in many places in Africa. There’s less access to health care, so many people may not know they’re infected, and might even pass it to their children in utero. Even worse, simply because *you* are a faithful partner does not mean your spouse will be. Women are especially at risk due to social conditions which often don’t allow them to refuse sex to their husband. Being able to negotiate for condom use might be the *only* way to keep from being infected. Short of somehow making the whole continent stop having sex, abstinence outside of marriage in that situation is unworkable as a solution.

    I recommend the CDC for more information.



    Arcanum reply on April 3rd, 2009 6:23 am:

    Pfft, the CDC is just a mindless puppet of the drug and condom companies. *Everybody* knows *that*!


    SPC Hyle reply on April 3rd, 2009 8:05 am:

    1) Facts about HIV prevention and condoms: 85% effective, over the course of a year. That’s their standard. Pregnancy prevention–90%+, again over the course of a year. This also assumes the use of latex condoms, which as you (in the only correct statement thus far) an imperfect barrier.

    Let’s also look at unprotected transmission rates. Female to male is much lower than male to female, based on where fluid goes. It is not skin contact, it is fluid to fluid contact. HIV is not gonorrhea, nor is it herpes. Skin contact alone will not transmit it.

    All receptive sex has a much higher rate of any STI transmission, because that’s where most fluid ends up. It is not impossible for it to be transmitted, but the rate is lower.

    The pope is opposing the only effective way to prevent transmission because it also means that sex isn’t for making babies. That’s his opposition. Meanwhile, in Africa, people are raping children because that is a rumored cure for HIV. I guess that’s better, huh?

    Before you respond and say, “No, he doesn’t think so,” actually, he does. Not so very long ago, a very tiny 9-year old girl was raped and impregnated by her stepfather. She was pregnant with twins. Attempting to carry this pregnancy to term would result in the deaths of the mother and the twins. The doctors did the only medically sound action, and the mother consented to it.

    All of them were excommunicated. Il Papa (that is Italian for Pope) didn’t step in and say “WTF?” Nope. Too busy saying condoms don’t prevent HIV transmission, in opposition to every scientific disease transmission study.

    2) GROW UP. IT’S A FUCKING JOKE. And, like all jokes, it has an exaggeration. In this instance, the proportion of pedophile priests. That is what makes it a joke. It’s the same reason every Jewish/Dutch joke has them skinflints, portrays Americans as cowboys, French as cowards, etc. It’s the JOKE.

    You are acting just as bad, or worse, as the Muslims who scream and shout when a non-Muslim badmouths Mohammed. To the charge that you aren’t rioting and screaming for death: there aren’t 500 people next to you angry at the same thing. That’s how riots happen.

    Grow the fuck up. If you’ve read 1/10 of what is on here, you should NOT be surprised at anything here. Skippy got a black woman to endorse a “separate but equal” doctrine, for chrissake. He’s not going to stop because you get your panties in a wad over a religious hangup.


    Sicarius reply on April 3rd, 2009 9:24 am:

    I’m Catholic. I don’t agree with the Pope. Take a joke, I make altar boy jokes all the time. They’re funny.


    Twan reply on April 3rd, 2009 11:54 am:

    I agree full-heartedly on with you. As a fellow Catholic, I also disagree with the pope on subjects, he’s not God so I can do that. As for jokes, have you heard about the news article about the priest getting a potato lodged up his anus while “hanging curtains”.

    captcha – Mr Nutley, I met him on Watch Dog.

    Squid Vicious reply on April 3rd, 2009 3:27 pm:

    Good post. Just to add to Monsieur Troll, if you’re still worried about transmission while wearing a rubber, double bag your junk.
    Simple stats: A rubber prevents HIV transmission 85% of the time. That’s an 0.15 chance of failure. When double bagged, 0.15 x 0.15=.0225. That’s a 2.25% chance of failure. If you’re still worried, chuck a third on there. That’ll give you a 0.3375% chance of contracting it. Plus the more you whack on there, the longer you can go, and the larger you’ll feel to him or her, something that I irrationally feel Monsieur Troll may benefit from. I suggest around 15 for him.


    MsHolly reply on April 3rd, 2009 10:50 pm:

    Actually, to set it straight so people don’t think this is a seriously true thing, “double-bagging” is a bad idea. Latex against latex equals a MUCH higher rate of a condom, or both, breaking or tearing, rendering both condoms ineffective and pointless.

    Do NOT double-bag.

    Squid Vicious reply on April 4th, 2009 5:37 am:

    Shhhh, you’re spoiling my fiendish plot against Monsieur Troll.

    Stickfodder reply on April 3rd, 2009 11:16 am:

    I smell a troll.


    Stickfodder reply on April 3rd, 2009 11:32 am:

    Also not all condoms are latex some are made of polyurethane and polyisoprene. Although I’m not entirely sure how it compares in effectiveness.


    David reply on April 3rd, 2009 3:08 pm:

    I don’t know about how they compare in effectiveness, but since they’re even more effective at restricting bloodflow and sensation than latex I can’t imagine people using them consistently enough for them to be effective. They’re like blue dental-dams. They’re terrible.

    contract testimonial: what you get when the manufacturer pays for its own research study

    Raven Prometheus reply on April 3rd, 2009 1:57 pm:

    Are you seriously trying to tell Skippy what to do on his own site? The nexus of all Skippites? Dude, Emperor Skippy will lead us through the zombie apocalypse and hopefully sacrifice know-nothing twits like you to the FLRGLE!!!. It would be a day of celebration for all true Skippites, a way to unite the empire after the war.

    Captcha: sybm unity: not sure what a sybm is, but we need some Skippite unity!


    Raven Prometheus reply on April 3rd, 2009 1:59 pm:

    The word was FLRAGLE!!! I forgot the “A”. oopsie….


    SPC K reply on April 7th, 2009 7:15 am:

    “Oh, and Skippy, watch the pedo-priest jokes. Yeah, fine, there have been some problems, but not every priest is a pedophile. Lumping them all together that way is just as bigoted as if I said that all Jews were greedy, money-grubbing bastards that lied about the Holocaust so that they could drive the Palestinians out of Israel/Palestine; all Muslims are fundamentalist nuts who hate America and want nothing more than to blow themselves up and kill Americans all for the glory of Allah and to undo what we in America stand for; that all Christians are insane, mindless devotees; that all opponents of abortion are sociopaths who blow up abortion clinics; that all blacks are uneducated and destined to a life of pimping/whoring… I could go on, but I think you see the point. A few select examples do not represent groups as a whole.”

    I thought this was true :(


    Michiel reply on April 9th, 2009 8:58 am:

    I know ad hominem attacks are usually unwarranted and add nothing to the discussion, but I believe this will be an exception.

    You are a fucking idiot.

    Captcha: of remarks


  4. StoneWolf Says:

    I normally try to bite my tongue at religious discussion (literally I’ve done this) as I have strong oppinions that many disagree with. But with an opener like this, I’ll give my two cents.

    Let us test the faith of the Vatican. Let us test how far their God will protect them. Let us see if the might of the Lord and His holy city can withstand 10M. Then well move on to Mecca. Their are few benefits of religion that require the exstablishment of religion to get, and many evils of religion that cannot be had without religion.


  5. ashley Says:

    Ah, the adamantly blind lead the willfully blind. Gotta love those religious zealots that refuse to pull themselves into the 21st century!


  6. Billy Says:

    Now, I hate catholisism more than most people, as the cruesades still piss me off, but I remember reading that article and it said he felt this way because, and this is an imperfect quote, just summerised, “condoms make people belive that they will have a smaller chance of infection, and so they use this as an excuse to get more sex.”, once again, that is summerised. and no, I can’t spell summerised right. And now, to recover our sense of humor, how the hell did priests get the idea that if gay is bad, and sex with women is bad, that sex with little boys is good?!

    captcha: Prouty 8.3, one dangerous prouty, whatever the hell it is.


    Former Spc. 19K reply on April 3rd, 2009 8:18 am:

    now that is a good question, isn’t it? I’ve wondered that same thing in the past.

    captcha sale Umbria
    North Umbria or South Umbria? I’m hoping for north… more fertile… feilds… yeah.


    Fred reply on April 3rd, 2009 8:31 am:

    Hey, the Vatican only got around to admitting that Galileo was right in 1993. They’ll get to Freud and his theories of sexual repression in another 200 years or so…


    Minty reply on April 3rd, 2009 9:32 am:

    Don’t you just love that argument? “If we educate them about the dangers and how to avoid them, they’ll do it more! If we don’t educate them, they’ll be too scared to take risks with their lives!” Because ignorance has always stopped people from doing something that feels good.


    David reply on April 3rd, 2009 11:42 am:

    Ignorance is Bliss
    Ignorance == Bliss
    Fort Bliss == Fort Ignorance

    captcha: humble 98.23
    Good Morning! Its 7:23 in the AM here on Humble 98.23 FM with Neal and Bob for your morning drive! Time to rise and shine, Texas; its 69 degrees and sunny in El Paso.


  7. Storm Raven Says:

    The Pope and the Catholic church work on the principle of do as we say not as we do, in my opinion they feel that they are exempt from the rules they enforce as they are better being in their eyes closer to God, than the rest of us.


  8. M578Jockey Says:

    I have a very good friend who once was on the road to becoming a priest and even he agrees the last two popes are firmly rooted in the 14th century, because that was the last time the Catholic church mattered. Starting in the 15th century Columbus discovered the world was round and Copernicus discovered the sun was the center of the solar system and it has been all down hill from there. By the 16th century you had Martin Luther and a bunch of Christians who actually started thinking for themselves.

    Look at the bright side in the next couple of centuries the Catholic church might discover electricity, and ban it…..

    Captcha: Darrfs $329000 – That’s some very expensive Darrfs I usually only pay $1.25 for mine…..


    Arcanum reply on April 3rd, 2009 3:58 pm:

    This is nitpicking, but it was fairly well known that the Earth was round before Columbus. It was also fairly well known that it was bigger around than Columbus thought. That mistake on his part is why he tried in the first place, and why his reaction was “holy crap, India!” when he got to the Americas.


    M578Jockey reply on April 4th, 2009 1:58 pm:

    True, The Vikings were here 500 years before Columbus, the Phonecians may have been here 1,000 before the vikings. One of the scholars from Alexandria figured out the earth was round with a circunfrence of 25,000 miles back in biblical times. Columbus just made the unwashed masses aware of the fact again.

    Captcha ruffle profes-
    I have done both


  9. kat Says:

    I think my favorite was when priests started getting arrested for raping little boys and the Church said “Release them back to us and we will make them do penence”
    Sorry, rape does not call for penence, rape calls for getting your genitals cut off and shoved up your nose. When I get creative with good punishments for child rapists, penence doesn’t even enter my mind. I think it’s closer to: castration with plastic scissors, followed by a nice bath in boiling water with lye, then maybe a good flogging and some playtime with angry tazmeranian devils…
    but that’s just me


    GBlair reply on April 3rd, 2009 9:26 am:

    Removing the genitals of a rapist would lower the re-offend rate if nothing else.


    David reply on April 3rd, 2009 11:25 am:

    Well, all that would make us feel better about “justice served” but I don’t know if it would cut down on recidivism.

    Rape, according to the people who claim to be the experts, isn’t about sexual gratification. Its about power and control. Thats what they say. So the argument goes that genital mutilation just produces a psychopathic power-mad control freak who has even more reason to be angry at the world for his mutilation.

    Some hideously brutal form of slow-torture execution, perhaps?

    captcha: Benning plained – nah, Benning School For Boys is too plain for this


    Raven Prometheus reply on April 3rd, 2009 1:51 pm:

    HERE HERE! Or maybe not even execution. Slow torture to the point that they have no senses (no eyes, no hearing, smell, etc. Do enough damage to certain parts of the body and this is possible….), and no means of communication or of even controlling their own bodies. Then keep them alive for a very long, fruitless life, a forever of knowing nothing but fear and pain.


    David reply on April 3rd, 2009 2:57 pm:


    Billy reply on April 5th, 2009 1:30 pm:

    Personally, I think the best way is to do the ol’ Vladislave Dracula style of implalement, you can live for about 3 days according to my history teacher. Or a style one guy did, in which, after impaling the guy, you put barbs on the exposed end of the stick, sticking out of the chest, and hang the guy upside-down from a tree, or a tall building, to serve as a warning for all other molesters. This should also go in the homicidal tendencies portion, as you can threaten that broomsticks are already rounded at the end, perfect for impalement.

    captcha: company hoppin, is that like island hoppin’, or is it like a company hopping?


    paula reply on April 5th, 2009 1:40 pm:

    There’s also the old Viking method, known as the blood-eagle. Tie down the, ahem, ‘guest of honor’; verticle or horizontal, your choice. The game is to split open his chest and flip out (NOT ‘cut out’!) his lungs, while seeing how long he lives: each breath he takes will make his lungs flap like wings, hence the name. Winner of this game is the one whose victim lasts longest.

    Boy, those old Vikings sure knew how to party, didn’t they?!?


    Fred reply on April 6th, 2009 8:32 am:

    Actually, the Blood Eagle is a literary device. There’s no physical evidence (yet) that the operation was ever performed on an actual person… And given the nature of the operation, the physical evidence would be pretty bloody obvious.

    Captcha: could Odell – Could he what? I knew a guy named Odell who was pretty capable…

    Brianna reply on May 21st, 2011 2:34 am:

    Sorry, guys, the “blood eagle” wouldn’t work. The lungs have no real muscles to inflate themselves. They inflate because the diaphragm between the lungs and the abdomen contracts moving down into the abdomen. The intercostal muscles between the ribs simultaneously contract, raising the ribs. All this makes the chest cavity larger and air rushes in to fill the empty space and inflates the lungs.

  10. GBlair Says:



  11. Shadowydreamer Says:

    I am catholic. I think Pope JP2 *tried* he was just out of touch but his heart was generally in the right place even if his brain was 300 years in the past. This current (expletive censored) .. He’s making me think of converting.

    Every religion has its poles. I’m somewhere in the middle.. but like Toronto unites Canada in its hatred of all things Toronto, the Pope is uniting Christians.

    Probably not in a way he’d like tho!

    Captcha : Be baths. Lava baths? Well, sounds a bit hard to organize, but sounds good for the Pope.


  12. TeratoMarty Says:

    Wow, looks like Skippy can still find a powderkeg whenever he wants. Well done, man.

    And anyone who thinks condoms don’t prevent HIV transmission is welcome to go bareback with a smack-shooting hobo. The sooner the better, please.


    David reply on April 3rd, 2009 3:01 pm:

    They don’t prevent it. But they do reduce the probability of disease transmission from that vector. So its not that they “do nothing”. That is patently false. Perhaps it is a more honest to claim that they don’t “do enough”, but that is hardly a fair complaint.

    captcha: $80 Shriver – Ahnold will kick your ass!


  13. Twan Says:

    Pope Benedict can never equal Pope John Paul in pure awesome.


    Stickfodder reply on April 3rd, 2009 1:11 pm:

    Yeah Benedict seems like the kind of guy that if you shoot him he’ll be calling for your head.


    Twan reply on April 3rd, 2009 1:14 pm:

    Well, he was a Hitler Youth, got rid of the pope-mobile and condemned Harry Potter.


    M578Jockey reply on April 4th, 2009 2:02 pm:

    John Paul was certainly awesome, and liberal ala Paul VI and John XXIII. To bad he only was pope for 33 days.


    Twan reply on April 9th, 2009 6:18 pm:

    Dude? Are we talking of the same pope? I know I’m talking about the Pope John Paul II, the Deucemeister, Duke of Deuxton, JP2 himself himself.


    M578jockey reply on April 14th, 2009 6:00 pm:

    That was the point. You said John Paul not John Paul II. John Paul was a good man. John Paul II had Benedict XVI as one of his right hand men and his enforcer. Benedict is just JPII without the charisma or media savvy. That’s why he was selected, to continue John Paul II policies. That and the fact that he is old and will probably die sooner than later

    Captcha: The Vidaver????

    Twan reply on April 15th, 2009 6:28 pm:

    Hohohoho, we have a scholar. I guess I’ve been 1-up’d. But I’ll stick with just the names, so bear with me.

    Sequoia reply on April 5th, 2009 8:15 pm:

    Although Benedict does sorta look like Emperor Palpatine…


  14. Leon Says:

    Why is the world getting sex education from a man who’s never known the touch of a woman? (The touch of an altar boy is another thing though)


  15. sandy Says:

    As I understand it…

    1.Priests are celebate
    2.Celebacy means no sex
    3.Sex is something done with a *woman*
    4.Anything done with a member of the same sex is therefore okay
    5.You can frighten little kids and they won’t tell the world what you’ve done
    6.Sex with little boys is *good!*


  16. Kieran Says:

    i always thought a good way to deal with rapist and pedophiles is to develop the means of making it impossible for them to get an errection and make it permanant.


  17. James Says:

    As Caboose said ” I do not want to catch the pregnancy”


  18. Jo Says:

    “i always thought a good way to deal with rapist and pedophiles is to develop the means of making it impossible for them to get an errection and make it permanant.”
    They’re actually doing this in parts of America (Florida for one) – chemical castration is sometimes a condition of parole. Though as I understand it the condition reverses itself if they stop taking the drug.

    captcha: ‘stopping is’. So many jokes. Can’t pick just one.


  19. JessEm Says:

    My first reaction to the post was to laugh so hard I snorted the mint ice cream I was eating.

    And then I read the rest of the responses. Funny how some people (I’m looking at you, Mr Troll) can miss a joke just because it touches on the “forbidden subject” of religion. Get over it. Really.

    Now I need to get to the bathroom. There’s a chocolate chip wedged somewhere in my sinuses.

    Captcha: have pores. Yes. Yes, I do.


  20. paula Says:

    Seems kinda silly to me for ANYBODY to be taking advice on sex, condoms, disease and/or whether or not a woman should continue a particular pregnancy from pissed-off alledegedly-celibate old men with zero medical training or knowledge. You know the type: jerks who have no real concept of what other people are going through, while being firmly convinced in their neolithic excuses for brains that they know what’s best for everybody.

    Oh, and Mr. Troll? Get a sense of humor, or get lost.


  21. ShuttleZ Says:

    Here’s my quota for politically incorrect joke for teh day.

    While on a cruise, a wild storm hits a ship and it starts sinking. On the ship is a junior school on excursion, an Iman, a Rabbi and a Preist.

    As the bow of the ship is slipping under, the Iman cries out, “Save the children first!” The Rabbi responds, “Fuck the children!” and the Priest asks, “Do you think we have enough time?”

    Captcha – Mr unusual ……yep, that’s me! :-)


  22. ExRedScarf83 Says:

    Obvious!Troll is obvious.

    Condoms are GREAT, okay? They’re not perfect, but they’re better than nothing. Abstinence sex ed does NOT work. Birth control is also good.

    *Firm believer in birth control*
    Got a problem you can die in a fire.


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