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Russian Thing (Edited)

January 5th, 2009 by skippy

So it turns out that putting Cyrillic fonts on my site was breaking it in all manner of fun ways, and so I have to change how this was set up.

Here’s an image of the list translated into Russian.

And here’s what happens when you used Google to change it back to English, which makes some parts of it way funnier than I originally wrote it.

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35 Responses to “Russian Thing (Edited)”

  1. BigAwesomeCadet Says:

    skippys a commy? what’s goin on here?


  2. Sean Says:



  3. Minty Says:

    You are a mean, mean man.


  4. Vittles Says:

    …wow. Its the original list, but in Russian. Skippy!? Are you one of them Skippy!? NOOOOOOOO!!!!!


  5. Roxanne Says:

    Why would you do this? Its five in the morning and now my brain hurts.


  6. Squid Vicious Says:

    Wow, that translation’s a little off, I think.

    Hey, Skippy, when you and your Russian friends rear your heads into US airspace as part of your invasion, don’t take the short route over Alaska – they’ve got you figured out, and they’re ready for your nefarious plans.


    Minty reply on January 6th, 2009 1:10 pm:

    Especially since Palin’s watching the border from her living room.


    Fairest of All reply on January 7th, 2009 12:57 am:

    lay off Sarah
    she’s a beauty queen who hunts moose
    and rocks at everything she does

    there are places in Alaska where you can see russia


    Minty reply on January 7th, 2009 1:46 pm:

    Hey, now! There are some pretty sharp beauty queens out there. . .

  7. djapavlak Says:

    Commies! Somebody call Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen!


    Sean (not the one from above) reply on January 7th, 2009 10:47 am:

    I can’t believe no one’s said this yet, but here goes: “WOLVERINES!”

    That is all.


  8. Petros Says:

    128. “Spadoinkl” – invented the word.
    93. Nerve gases – is not a cause for laughter.
    94. Crucifixion did not deter the officers, and to me this is not checked.
    11. Not allowed to join the Party.

    Maybe he’s been taken and is dliberately mis-translating to fool them.


  9. Sicarius Says:

    This looks like a terminal case of Babelfish.


  10. ArchaicDome Says:

    I like how the translation for #11 is simply “The Party.”


    Petros reply on January 6th, 2009 8:20 am:

    I forgot that the original list said COMMUNIST party untill you mentioned it. Makes you wonder what would happen if you tried translating ‘liberal’ or ‘democratic’ party, doesn’t it?


    Fairest of All reply on January 7th, 2009 12:59 am:

    something like good comrade!
    or politically correckt!


  11. SGT Hay Says:

    The original list in Cyrillic. Freaky weird!

    Captcha – refused Court – You won’t take me alive, coppas!


  12. CCO Says:

    Sort of reminds me of those playing cards with Russian words on them like rockets, nerve gas, etc.

    Captcha: deprecated reply, well, I didn’t mean it that way, honest!



  13. SrA Crew Dawg Says:

    Yeah, This is definetly a case of babel fish. Its really funny to compare the original list with teh translated page…


  14. RivCA Says:

    Something tells me the man has some Russian friends. He was in the army for a while, after all. All you need is for a Russian buddy (or an American buddy who knows Russian) to do a translation of the whole list. I have a friend who’s from the Ukraine, so it’s not unheard of.


  15. Stickfodder Says:

    What’s with all the communist comments? and all the anti Russian comments?


  16. Speed Says:

    Ya ne govoroo po-russki as we used to say out at DLI. You’re a sick, sick man Skippy, and that’s what I like about you.


  17. Amber Says:

    …you always make my days more interesting along with my daily doses of Diluadid. ;)


  18. MarkHB Says:

    “I feel like I’m being nibbled to death by those… by those… Ah, Vir! What are they called? Small creatures from Earth. Yellow feathers. Have a long bill. Say ‘Quack'”.


    “Yes, that’s it! I feel like I’m being nibbled to death by cats!”


    Stickfodder reply on January 6th, 2009 11:32 pm:

    What the hell is that from?


    Podmunki reply on January 7th, 2009 12:16 am:

    Perhaps “Third Rock from the Sun”…sounds like something that John Lithgow would say.


    skippy reply on January 7th, 2009 12:44 am:

    Babylon 5.

    MarkHB reply on January 7th, 2009 4:52 am:

    Well, the quote made sense last night. In a “Reading this is like having brain-wads pulled out through my eyes” sort of way. Less so, now. Shameful – I’ve had a making-sense failure in this temple of Sense! ;)

    Dorkus reply on January 7th, 2009 8:26 am:

    Great now I have Londo’s voice running through me head. I wonder if I can go the entire day speaking like Londo….


    MarkHB reply on January 7th, 2009 8:58 am:

    Right up ’til you get to the bar and go “Ahhhhh, Beeeeer!


    Speed reply on January 7th, 2009 12:21 pm:

    Sniff-sniff, now I miss the Babylon 5 marathons that USED TO BE on SciFi. I could use some Xena marathons too, nothing like some warrior babes scampering about.

  19. Fairest of All Says:

    very nice
    sounds about right

    sounds exactly like what i think my co worker Demtri would say
    he was a sniper as a kid
    for the bad guys


    paula reply on January 7th, 2009 1:27 pm:

    Demitri was a sniper for Cheney? Gee, and I didn’t even know he had any: thought he just took care of THAT himself!


  20. TeratoMarty Says:

    “Under my bed is not no evil clowns” means that there are, in fact, evil clowns under your bed. Alas.

    Also, you would be wicked hard pressed to find even one Russian communist these days. Badly out of fashion, don’t you know. My Russian co-workers do NOT think that my ushanka with its Party badge is at all funny.


  21. Andy Says:

    “catapult is broken” haha

    why doesn’t my jeep have a catapult…..


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