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Controversy And Gold Bond

June 6th, 2008 by skippy

In my day when military personnel got bored, they made lists of things that they weren’t supposed to do.

Nowadays these kids have their newfangled interwebs, tubes, and digital video recorders. And they make videos and put them online.

And then their chain of command gets all upset and everybody involved gets into trouble.

It turns out that fighter pilot’s balls are more controversial than you would have thought.

Here is the video

And here is the story of what happened over it.

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22 Responses to “Controversy And Gold Bond”

  1. Stickfodder Says:

    I can’t open the second link but im guessing that its something to do with they’re superiors not having a sense of humor. I thought that the video was hilarious, yay goldbond powder!


    McNutcase reply on June 6th, 2008 8:49 am:

    I’m thinking the server may have fallen over under the load. From the target, it looks to be phpBB, which isn’t exactly known for robustness…


    ineedhelpbad reply on August 7th, 2008 10:08 am:

    heres an update on that video link


  2. Tony Says:

    yeah i couldn’t get the second link to work either, but that video is one of the funniest things i have seen in quite some time.


  3. Christopher Says:

    I think the chic singing along form the second rank is effen hilarious!


    Minty reply on June 7th, 2008 12:18 am:

    Yeah, I noticed that too. A very nice touch!

    Captcha: “Vilhjabnar taged.” Eh?


  4. Catbunny Says:

    Thankfully, Google has cached that second link.
    Here’s the text only url:

    (Certainly Britts)? captcha FTW


    Stickfodder reply on June 6th, 2008 2:14 pm:

    Yep just as i thought a bunch of superiors who don’t have a sense of humor. Good find on the google cached version although I find it funny that the story says you cant find the video online anymore. leave it to skippy to prove them wrong. Hurray for Skippy!


  5. SKD Says:

    That video was hilarious. Shame on the higher brass for not having a sense of humour(although they usually are not accused of having one).

    Captcha – “Sept section”


    SKD reply on June 6th, 2008 11:28 pm:

    Just had to post the next captcha that came up

    “Peter Powers”

    ironically appropriate considering the blog subject
    and FYI the second link seems to be working again.


    Stickfodder reply on June 7th, 2008 2:47 am:

    Oh my god what the hell did I start? although it is interesting to see the different kind of weird crap that captcha comes up with. I think it would be cool if we could sign up for memberships to the site and just skip captcha.

    “Rent taller” but i guess this is kind of fun


    Minty reply on June 7th, 2008 7:39 am:

    It reminds me of that old cliché about a snowball getting bigger and bigger as it rolls down a mountain. Who’s the skier that gets picked up, though?

    I’ve got “Helen billion” this time. I thought thousand was the number associated with Helen…

    Stickfodder reply on June 7th, 2008 1:48 pm:

    hay has anyone else noticed that the time given for the posts is weird? its eleven hours fast for me why is that? What the hell time zone is Skippy in?

    Minty reply on June 7th, 2008 7:42 am:

    “Peter Powers.” Heh heh heh…

    No, must not think dirty thoughts! Writing pretty love story! No peters allowed in pretty love stories!

    Holy shit. Captcha just gave me “foolscap” (“foolscap par-” the whole thing). It really is a Magic 8-Ball!


  6. Analee Says:

    People need to get a sense of humor. I thought it was hilarious!

    A+++ Would LOL again!


    Stickfodder reply on June 7th, 2008 1:45 pm:

    Yay someone is back on topic awsome!


    SKD reply on June 7th, 2008 8:17 pm:

    Hey no hijacking thread back to topic.

    Captcha – “Knowledge prove”


  7. Ihmhi Says:

    This is what they get for taking away valuable time from protecting Americans from the TERRORISTS who want to INVADE AMERICA and put BURKAS ON ALL OUR WOMEN!!!!

    All jokes aside… when has the military ever shown to have a sense of humor? The higher your rank, the smaller your heart.

    Captcha: specific sufferer – it really is psychic! Goldbond has saved the hot air balloons more than once last summer and will be dutifully entering service again this year, I’m sure.


  8. Kat Says:

    I seem to be a bit late, but anyone ever seen a guy rub tiger balm down there? Now that’s a sight to behold.


  9. Tony Says:

    when i was in basic there was a wierd little cult in my platoon. every night about 5 or 6 guys would go into the latrine and rub icyhot on their balls. they would also try to recruit everyone they could.


  10. McNutcase Says:

    I actually got some Gold Bond as a result of this video, since my feet were itching like mad. Good stuff.

    I wouldn’t use it on my balls, though. Not again. Suffice to say I thought I’d dipped them in liquid nitrogen…


  11. TheShadowCat Says:

    Is it just me or did one of the people in the people in the background look like a woman?


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