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Archive for April 8th, 2008

Google Ads and The Gay Recruiter Bit

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

I was checking the comments on my post I made last week and I noticed the following Google ad on the page.

Meet Homosexual Army Men
Find Army Homosexual Men Near You View Profiles 100% Free. Join Now!

Google is amazing. I’m not convinced they truly understand the audience, but they are amazing.

They took the fact that my post was about a gay pride parade, (and ignored it was in an MMO), and the references to the military that were also found on the Skippy’s List website, and said, “Hey, we have an advertiser with a service you might be interested in!”.

Although I was not personally interested in this service, I am an open minded individual. So, if any of you guys out there meets the man of their dreams because you saw this ad in my post, I would love to hear about it and maybe even be invited to the wedding.

I also considered this ad to be a sign from the universe that I need to post the following bit that I do in my regular stand-up routine.

This was a bit that Skippy was going to post a month or so back, but he knows that the cardinal sin of comedy is stealing someones jokes. He was going to ask me if he could post it. At the time, he was already considering getting guest writers, so, this is the bit that made him approach me about writing here. So here it is.

The bit is about a subject that has been bugging me, basically, how homophobic this country has gotten in the last several years. It seems everyone is worried about gay marriage or they are afraid that some homosexual is going to recruit them.

Seriously? Did anyone ever receive a call after high school from a gay recruiter?

Just me?

Fine, let me tell you what happened. The guy called me up and explained the benefits of homosexuality to me.

I told him that, as a heterosexual, I don’t want to make a full-time commitment to homosexuality. So he talked me into joining the reserves.

All I had to do was be gay for one weekend a month and two weeks out of the year, and I really needed the college money.

It was a sweet deal until they decided to “activate my unit”.

I really don’t talk about what happened much, but I will say this…I saw a lot of good men go down.