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March 13th, 2008 by skippy

I’ve just got a few quick things today.

First of all, the following link:

Geek Hierarchy

I am amused because the author put Fanfic in the same spot that I did. Now for the record, before I get piles of angry email, or links to examples of “good” fanfic. I’m not saying fanfic makes you a bad person. (Although it may be an indicator.) Just that I am a tremendous turbonerd, and even I think fanfic is a tad overboard on the geekiness. I do understand there is such a thing as good fanfiction. But unfortunately a lousy 98.5% of the fanfic writing community make the rest of them look bad.

Next up, now that I have angered and annoyed many of my readers, I would like to point out that my internet store is now open. Remember that I am donating a portion of the sales to FUN For Our Troops.

So if you don’t buy a t-shirt, that’s like taking fun away from our soldiers. If this works out I will start making other t-shirts available.

And as long as I’m on the subject of things to do with the site, I’ve had another idea. Since I only update once a week, I am considering letting other people write pieces to post here. Not just anyone randomly, mind you. I mean someone submits something and if I think it’s funny, I post it up here for everyone. Does that seem like a good idea, or a stupid one? I mean on the one hand, it would probably make my site more entertaining to have more comedic pieces on here. But on the other hand it means that some person who is not me becomes the center of attention, and let’s face it, that would be a tragedy.

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17 Responses to “Updatiness”

  1. L.B. Bryant Says:

    Eh, I’d read other people’s posts but I visit the blog for your weekly rants and stories. *shrugs*


  2. SPC Stephenson Says:

    I would have to agree, your stories and complaints make me tolerate the military since I am in currently in stop loss.


  3. Firefox Says:

    You are worth waiting for sir, I vote for keeping it just between you and your readers!

    Skippy Says: Who else but my readers would be submitting things?


  4. Ihmhi Says:

    Even if you do not accept writers, it would be nice to see more interaction with the readers beyond commentary. Perhaps they can ask you questions and you can answer them. A Civvy’s point of view can be very interesting on some of these topics. Hell, I’m not in the military (and I have no intention of joining anytime soon), but I know well enough not to mess with the S.A.S. d:


  5. Jinn Master Says:

    Personally, i love to read the comments section of the site, because of all the neat military stories. I think that if you do allow submissions, they should be kept to a humorous nature, and either military or nerdy subject wise, since those are the subjects you have already done, and you know people are receptive to those. Moreso to the military posts though.


  6. the Jack Says:

    If you do make an area for us, the readers, to submit stuff to, make it a seperate section of the site, like how the actual list is seperate from the info about you.


  7. TheShadowCat Says:

    Ok, I know you don’t like fanfiction, but let’s face it, at least fanfiction writers are not going out and publicly humiliating themselves by wearing skimpy little costumes that their bodies were *never* meant to fit into or intentionally running around in a big heavy animal costume in the middle of summer or giving themselves ridiculous names that they insist you call them by instead of the one on their driver’s license. In the grand scheme of things, the fanfiction writer is the most harmless of the geek lot. At least they’re not out there inflicting themselves on the poor unsuspecting public and the only way you can find what they’ve done is if you look for it on the Internet. And let’s face it, your next door neighbor, the guy who bags your groceries or the lady walking her dog down the street could all be fanfiction writers and you’d never know it. (insert evil maniacal laughter here)


  8. Lou Says:

    Can I submit Skippy Fanfic? like:
    “Skippy-less in Seattle”
    “JAG: Spc Skippy and his ‘mouthwash'”
    “MASH: Meet Skippy… Pierce??!!”


  9. sidhe3141 Says:

    I say accept submissions. One of these days, you’re going to run out of funny stories (at least ones that won’t get you fired and don’t make you look bad), and the rest of us should have our own funny stories written down by then.


  10. jadedgeek Says:

    I support the idea of submissions; just do a few short ones or one really good one once a week. and to keep it focused on you, have a quick opening calling it skippy’s blahblahblah whatever of the week and explain why you chose them or something (which could really be just you talking about yourself and oh yeah, here’s this story.)


  11. Misty Fowler Says:

    I’m all for you linking to other people’s blogs who you think are worthy, but I subscribe to your blog via RSS, and if you don’t update for a week, it’s not like I spent time checking to see. I really enjoy reading your blogs, and if you start posting ones from other people, that will likely take away from the excitement of seeing Google Reader tell me that your blog has a new post. So, my vote is that you skip posting other people’s stuff, and just link to them.


  12. Paul Wiklund Says:

    Fun for our troops moved to http://www.funforourtroops.org/

    Skippy say: Thank you, I’ll get the links updated with the new info.


  13. Nikadi [aka Nikki] Says:

    On Theshadowcat’s comment of “at least fanfiction writers are not going out and publicly humiliating themselves by wearing skimpy little costumes”, I shall hide in shame. I blame it on my being a young adult and therefore I can get away with it (sort of). I went out in a Hogwarts uniform (minus cloak) last night…

    And fanfiction is very sad. I read and write it, but I think I’m one of the few who acknowledge how sad it actually is XD


  14. Snyarhedir Says:

    My advice for fanfiction to read would be to find a website and/or author(s) that does/do not mess around with the material a lot. If someone specializes in short humorous stories (conventionally or randomly humorous), for instance, that is fine, but if they–again, for example–post material that is intentionally depressing or abuses fiction by writing a bunch of “yaoi/yuri” crap about characters who are known heterosexuals or whose sexual orientation is ambiguous/undisclosed, then it is not worth it.


    Snyarhedir reply on January 29th, 2011 12:45 am:

    Likewise, I despise whatever fanfiction may exist that puts known homosexual characters (or unknowns, again) in heterosexual situations.


  15. Giada Says:

    But if you just change the names and a few deaitls, either you wrote bad fanfic, or you’re selling dishonest ‘original’ work. That’s a good point about bad fanfic, because if it’s a really good fanfic it may be that it will only really work as a story for those characters. Not to mention the characters should be so distinctively themselves in the way they speak and act then changing those things to disguise them could leave them as mere shells.Personally the thought of retooling any of mine makes me break out in a sweat! Even some of the plot bunnies that I have filed away but never wrote don’t appear convertible. Well, maybe one, but that started as an original bunny anyway. It can maybe go back. Also, I’m not one for going over old ground I was long ago finished with. I’d rather take what I’ve learned and move on to new work. So I wouldn’t say I’m dead against anyone doing it, but it’s not for me.


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